Galaxy Clusters (prologue)

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The stars were so pretty.

Jimin had always loved stars. It looked like someone had poked a bunch of tiny holes in the sky, and light was shining through from somewhere beyond. Somewhere that was not limited by the confines of this planet, nor concerned with the problems that occurred in it. Up there, past the sky, was another universe filled with light, happiness, and freedom.

Countless nights Jimin stared up at the tiny windows of the galaxy, wishing he could reach that other universe. He would count stars in his head until it bored him, then drag his eyes all the way across the vast expanse of the sky. And on every single star, he wished the same wish.

Make me enough.


Before continuing, please take the time to read the below warnings.


-verbal abuse


If you are sensitive to the above topics, this book may not be for you. I don't want anyone to be upset by anything I write, so please be careful and don't read if you don't think you can handle it. Be mindful of yourself; if you feel yourself becoming triggered, stop reading or skip the triggering scene.


-Consplody xx

© 7/31/19 all rights reserved

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