3| Lysol

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When Jimin's alarm woke him up the next morning, he almost hit snooze. Then he remembered why he never hit snooze.

Up in a flash, flinging himself out of bed. He grabbed a pair of jeans and his new pink sweater.

Into the bathroom, shower, dry, brush your teeth, comb your hair- there was a lot of multitasking. When he was done, he rushed out the front door. There were high hopes that his father would still be asleep, bonus if he was hungover. But all thoughts of that place and that man were brushed away when he turned the corner. 

Finally, he was out of that hell hole. There were bags under his eyes, for sure, and his face was probably still puffy from sleep, but at least he wasn't home.

Walking at a brisk pace could get you from Jimin's house to Seokjin's Family Diner in ten minutes- maybe seven, if you jogged a bit of the way. It wasn't far, but it was far enough. It was safe.

Sure enough, the bright building, shedding a warm glow out into the street before it, loomed ahead of him in no time. Inside were two familiar faces, as always, and Jimin smiled. This was the one thing he could depend on. There were days when the bruises were bigger and nights when the stars didn't shine, but Jimin knew that every morning those two would be here.

The bell jingled merrily as he pushed open the door.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite early bird!" Seokjin paused his writing of the day's specials, setting the dry-erase marker down. "Three hours early, as usual, I see."

Jimin grinned and gave Seokjin a hug.

"Good morning, Jin hyung."

Namjoon finished wiping off the counter before tossing the disposable wipe in the bin.

"Do I get a good morning hug, too?" He asked, opening his arms.

"Of course," Jimin exclaimed, rushing to fulfill the requested task. "Good morning, Namjoon hyung."

Namjoon ruffled Jimin's hair, smiling.

"Your hair matches your sweater, Jimin," He commented, pinching the fabric on his shoulder and pulling it to let it snap back into place.

Jimin smiled.

"That's why it's my new favorite sweater!"

"And if you dye your hair a different color will it still be your favorite?"

Jimin thought for a moment.

"Yep," He decided, pulling the sleeves over his hands.

"Jimin, do you mind wiping down the tables?" Seokjin asked, tossing him a container of Lysol wipes.

Jimin caught it with ease.

"Sure thing, boss."

Black and Blue | ym.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora