2| Lay Awake

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Jimin leaned on his window sill, one leg on the ledge, inflating his thigh, the other supporting him from the ground.  The stars were twinkling, carefree, as always. How he envied those stars, their never-ceasing beauty, their freedom, suspended in the sky like the tips of icicles, so cold they burned.

The floor beneath him vibrated rhythmically, the beat of music shaking the rickety structure to its core. The hum of voices and laughter was mixed with the melody, creating a homogenous mess of noise. 

The time on his phone read "1:10 AM". He sighed. It wouldn't stop until three.

A new kind of vibration caught his attention. His head snapped towards his phone, checking his notifications. He'd received a message from Yoongi, one of his best friends, which made him smile.

Hey, you still awake?

A giddiness arose in Jimin's chest, a rise in heart rate that he tried his best to suppress. He never could, though.

Yeah, I'm awake, he wrote back.

Are you coming to work tomorrow?

Yeah, are you?

Yeah, I'll see you there

Jimin smiled and turned the screen off. He had something to look forward to tomorrow. He had a reason to get up in the morning. He loved his job, and he loved his friends. And that was enough.

Knowing it was in his best interests to get some shut-eye, yet also knowing that wasn't going to happen with the rave going on downstairs, he decided on the next best thing- to lay in bad and just pretend he was sleeping. Rest was half as good as sleep, after all.

But his wish for relaxation was not granted. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Tensing, sitting up, he hugged a pillow as he looked to his bedroom door. A couple of minutes passed, and it had not opened. It was a relief until he heard something down the hall. Something he really wished he didn't have to listen to.

It was his father's voice, along with one he did not recognize, though it was female.

He covered his innocent ears, curling into a ball and hoping to shut the world out.

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