7| Eight

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It was swollen, bruised. Really bad. Like, panda-bear bad. For fuck's sake, he could never get a break, could he?

He smeared some concealer over it, but it didn't really 'conceal' much.

He decided to let it be.

He checked the time on his phone. It was nine-twenty-one AM. He was normally already at work by six.

Sixteen missed calls from Jinnie Hyung

Seven misses calls from Joonie Hyung

Ten missed calls from Yoonboon Hyung

His phone started ringing again, Seokjin's contact appearing on the screen. He accepted it immediately.


"Jimin, thank God! We were all worried sick about you. Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm at home. I'm sorry I'm late, Jinnie hyung. I'll be there as soon as I can."

There was a moment of silence.

"You're at home."

Jimin nodded, only to realize Jin hyung couldn't see him.


"Jimin, what happened?"

Seokjin's voice was so caring, so gentle, something in Jimin broke. A lump formed in his throat, he swallowed hard, tearing up.

"He had a party the other night and-" He took a deep breath through his nose- "I forgot to c-clean up and as soon as I got h-home he- he-"

"Okay, I'm coming to get you. Namjoon, watch the diner until I get back, will you? Jeongguk, put a notice on the door that we're opening late today and-"

"I'm coming with you." A rough voice, though far away, was clear through the phone.

There was a pause.

"Okay. Yoongi and I are coming to get you. Is that okay, Jimin?"


"Okay. Do you want me to stay on the phone?"

"N-no, that's okay, y-you need to drive safely," Jimin mumbled.

"Alright. See you soon."


The phone made a soft beep. Jimin's lock screen lit up against his face, so he brought it away from his ear and turned off the screen.

His pastel blue sweater looked quite welcoming, hanging in his closet. It slid easily over his body, encasing him in a cotton hug. To Jimin, the feeling of wearing a sweater was one of the most comforting things in the world. He wore loose jeans, as well, which weren't quite his style, but they did a good job of covering leg injuries.

Stairs were a hassle with his ankle, especially if he wanted to be quiet. He ended up sitting on them, putting his legs down a step first, following up with scooting his bum down. It was a system that worked and got him down the stairs.

By the time he was downstairs, Seokjin's car was already pulling into the driveway. The door was unbelievably far away- he was limping, exhausted, drained. But then Yoongi got out of the car, flew to the door, barged in.

"Jimin," He murmured, already encasing the boy in a hug.

"Ow, easy, please," Jimin whispered, doing his best to return the hug.

Nodding, the older scooped Jimin up, gently as he could. Jimin let Yoongi carry him, wrapping his arms around the older's neck, closing his eyes. He probably could've fallen asleep then and there, but did his best to stay awake. It was hard, though- Yoongi's presence was so calming, his arms so comfortable. No, Jimin, stay awake.

Yoongi closed the door with his foot, which was kind of hard to do with a human in his arms, but he got it eventually. Waiting anxiously in the car, Seokjin tapped the steering wheel, fidgety.

"How are you?" Was the first thing he asked when Yoongi slipped into the car with Jimin in his arms.

"Fine." Jimin looked away. He was bad at lying.

"That's nice. How are you really?"


"Did you sleep?"


Seokjin backed the car out of the driveway, too distracted to remind them to wear seatbelts.

"How bad was it?"

Jimin thought for a moment. They had devised a rating system a long time ago so that Jimin could give a number rather than go into details. It was simple- one meant he barely had a scratch, that it was mostly verbal. Ten meant he needed to go to the ER. Enough said.


Jimin felt a hand on his side. Yoongi pulled him closer, letting Jimin lean on his shoulder.

"Jin, I'm going to take him to my place," Yoongi announced.

"That's a good idea."

They were already arriving at the diner. Namjoon, Jeongguk, Hoseok, and Taehyung stood in the parking lot waiting for them. They rushed to Seokjin's car as he pulled up, forcing him to stop so he didn't run them over.  Each of them had to take turns hugging Jimin.

"Everyone, he's okay. He had a rough night, that's all. He's going home with Yoongi now."

Yoongi didn't pay much attention to the others. He focused solely on getting Jimin into the passenger seat of his car.

"Buckle up, Jimin," He murmured, closing the door before moving to the driver's side.

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