Simon x Jeanette

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KK: Hmm....hey guys! Look what I found!

CASPER:* bursts down the door* Buried treasure?!

KK: No.

MILA: *pushes Casper aside* Another ship?!

KK: Yep! Another ship!

MILA: Ooooh! Read it!

CASPER: Isn't anyone going to ask if I'm fine?

MILA: Not now, Casper! We're in the middle of something important!

CASPER: Then I'm fine, thank you!😤

KK: Ok you two, stop arguing.

CASPER: Just read the dang ship.

KK: It is... Simon x Jeanette!


KK: Seriously? You guys don't know it? Their from Alvin and the Chipmunks!

MILA: Oh! I remember that show! But I don't recall anyone being shipped that time...

CASPER: I definitely didn't watch the show so yeah.... I can't ship it if I don't know the show...sorry guys.😬

MILA: Same with me. I can't recall a thing about the characters.

KK: Well, I definitely ship it! They are adorable!

CASPER: Cool, cool. I'm gonna go now.

KK: No!

KK: *grabs Casper and Mila*

KK: We are not going anywhere until you guys watch Alvin and the Chipmunks! Understood?

MILA: Ok! This should be fun!

So they all watched Alvin and the Chipmunks until the power went out.

MILA: Nooooo! They were just about perform a musical number! Why, world? Why?!

KK: It has to be done this way.😥

CASPER: Wait, KK, is that the camera? Why is it still on?

KK: Whoops. I must have forgotten to switch it off since I was so excited to show Alvin and the Chipmunks to you guys. Sorry.

MILA: Who cares about the people reading about us right now? There's no more TV!!!😭😫

CASPER: *faces camera* We'll be right back once Mila has recovered.

Ship or Skip? (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now