Sugarcube x Stinky Sock

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KK: So....what should we do now?

CASPER: about react to another ship?

KK: That's not a bad idea, Casper! Let me see...

CASPER: Wait a minute, you listed down ships in your phone!

KK: Ya. Then I just send it to Mila randomly. She doesn't know that.

KK: Oh! Here's a ship!

MILA: Did I just hear the word shiiiiiiip!

CASPER :Well, ya. KK was just about to read it.

MILA: Oh. Well, I think that you guys should do the reacting without me.

KK: Aww, but why?

MILA: I have to...umm, I have to-

FERRI: Hey guys! Do wanna go to the new coffee shop across the street? I heard that their coffee is delicious.

MILA: Yup! I have to go to the coffee shop with Ferri. Ya.

KK: But, you just got a drink from the kitchen.

MILA: Um, no I didn't. *grabs Ferri's sleeve* C'mon, Ferri! Let move!


CASPER: Weird...So, what's the ship?

KK: It's...*fangirl scream* IT'S SUGARCUBE x STINKY SOCK!!!*fangirl scream*


KK: Ya know! Tikki x Plagg?! Miraculous?!

CASPER: What in the world is Miraculous?

KK: Ugh, this is what you get for only watching Steven Universe.

CASPER: It's not my fault that it's a good show!

KK: *rolls eyes* We watched Miraculous since we were 7! Don't you remember?

CASPER: Oh! Is it about that small kid who wants to be a hero with his two teenage friends?

KK: That's O.K. K.O.

CASPER: Oh! Is it about those two kids who goes on adventures in a mysteriously weird town?

KK: That's Gravity Falls.

CASPER: Oh! Is it...

A few moments later

CASPER: Is it about a magical princess from another dimension who fights monsters with her best friend?

KK: That's Star vs. the Forces Of Evil.

KK: You know what? I had enough of this. I'm going to that coffee shop.

CASPER: Wait! Is it about those two teenagers who wears magic jewelry and transform into animalistic superheroes?

KK: Yes! Finally, you get it now—

CASPER: Or is it about...

And with all that I got angry and left the room, going outside in the backyard to express how annoyed I am.

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