Phineas x Isabella

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KK: I'm back!

MILA: *face lits up* Yay! Now we can continue ship time!

KK: But wait—where's Casper?

MILA: He's watching Steven Universe again.

KK: Oh, ok. What's the ship?

MILA: Hmm, let me check....Awww! It's Phinbella! How cute! I love this ship! So, I ship! No skip needed.

KK: Same! They are made for each other anyways.

MILA*whispers* Like you and Casper.~

KK: What?

MILA: Nothing!

CASPER: What are you guys talking about?

KK: We just reacted to a ship. It's Phinbella.

CASPER: Oooh! I definitely ship it!

MILA: Oh~ok then. I'm just going to get a drink. Bai;3


To BE CoNtinuED...?!

Ship or Skip? (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now