Steven x Connie

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MILA: Ugh. It's so boring here....😑. Nothing to do, and no one to talk to.

CASPER: Why can't you just talk to KK?

MILA: *panicked* Um...she isn't here right now...

CASPER: What about Orange or Dekota? How 'bout Ava? She's still here!

AVA: Actually I'm going on a date. Bai.

MILA: *moans*

CASPER: Stop. Here. Let's check out a ship. Maybe that will help cure your boredom.

MILA: Ok. I'll just check my phone and—*fangirl scream loudly*

CASPER: Ah! Mila! What happened?!

MIlA: It's a ship alert!

CASPER: So? Just don't get to dramatic. It's just a ship—


CASPER: *fangirl screams*



MILA: What just happened...?

As you can tell, Mila and Casper are big Steven Universe fans.😁

Ship or Skip? (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن