The First Move

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Luhan POV

My whole life everyone has told me how "Lucky" I am but I'm not. If anything my baby face and "cute" looks have been a curse. I wish I could have a more masculine look like my twin Lay.

I'm always having to fight off perverts and everyone mistakes me as a girl. My height also doesn't help me at all. So from a small age I taught myself some self defense because I knew it would come in handy.

I'm in love with a younger boy. He actually lives next door to me. He's bestfriends with my clumsy younger brother. If anything I'm sure all of my brothers have a love interest with someone next door.

I'm not sure when I fell in love but I did. He's tall charming, sassy, but most importantly he's caring. I never really have time to hang out with him either. The only time we would ever have small talk was when we meet up occasionally to get milk tea.

My bestfriend tells me I should make the first move but I'm not really the bold type. I feel bad for my bestfriend though. He's in love my clueless twin brother. I guess it's safe to assume we both have a one sided love going on.

My bestfriend is kind of like me. Short,baby faced, "cute" and people think they can take advantage of that. My bestfriend is more of the bold type. He always gives people sass and is very friendly. I don't understand why everyone thinks he sleeps around.

Today I'm by myself. I'm going to go get some milk tea hoping to run into him. The walk was nice until I noticed a group of men following me. They kept cat calling me but I ignored them.

'Ugh.... Is it really that much to ask for a peaceful day.' I was snapped out of thoughts when someone touched my ass. 'Someone is dying today' I got really pissed off.

I grab the person's hand and twist it back pinning them against the wall. I then kick their knee and make them fall. "Don't you ever dare lay your pathetic hands on me GOT IT" I yelled harshly and full of venom. "Yesss....yesss I'm sorry" the male said.

I let them go 'Gosh why do people have to be perverts and disgusting'. I continue walking until I noticed Sehun looking at me. 'Uhh Oh my gosh did he see that?? Is he smirking at me'. He walks closer to me with a surprised look that turns into a smirk.

Sehun POV

I pull out my phone staring at a picture of the most beautiful person I have ever seen. His name is Luhan, he's everything I ever dreamed of having in a partner.

Yesterday I found out he likes it when other people make the first move. I don't really talk to him that much but I'm in love with him. We occasionally run into each other at a milk tea shop. He's always shy around me and I find that to be cute.

I think about him all the time and want to spend more time with him. That however is impossible because I'm always with my stupid bestfriend. He is in love with my older brother Kyungsoo.

I always have to be there with him and comfort him. In all honesty I know my bother in love with Chanyeol too. Chanyeol on the other hand is too dumb to confess to Kyungsoo. So he drags me with him.

Anyways I'm on my way to the milk tea place hoping to 'accidentally' bump into my Lu Deer. I'm cheerfully walking to the milk tea shop. I can't wait to see him. On my way there I hear someone screaming in pain.

I get closer to the shop and sound, then suddenly I see....LUHAN!!!!. My eyes widen at the sight. 'Whoa Luhan has him pinned down'. I have never once seen Luhan like this. I alway thought he was timid and shy.

It's actually very hot of him. 'Wow this new side of Luhan makes me love him more'. I approach Luhan with a smirk on my face. He looks pretty flustered even after telling that guy off. Luhan looks hot when he that mad face on.

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