New Girl In School

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You never know when you are going to fall in love. Sometimes it sneaks up on u just like it snuck up on me. My name is jazz and let me tell u the story of how love snuck up on me. Just like any other emo person I'm a loner, some people even consider me as an outcast. Im not the average emo girl though I must warn you. I'm black, im a woman, im a lgbt+ activist I am gay, but these things won't tell my story for me I will. Not many people know my secret but my best friend. Life for me lately has been hard. I'm the oldest of two ,me and my little sister gen live a poor life. My mom does everything she can for us but sometimes she can't. It's hard to raise two kids alone, especially with no father.To make things worse I can't tell people the truth that I discovered.
I'm gay but who do I tell ,who can I trust. Or will I just keep it to myself.

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