Bye Bye Brenty!

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Brent Wilson was an asshole. There was no other way to describe the greasy rat other than the term asshole, which was why his three soon-to-be ex (and horny) bandmates wanted him out of both the band and their lives. Since they wanted to make it big, it wouldn't be good for them to be associated with such a jerk. Their band didn't have much of a rep other than being a knock off Weezer, but they didn't want Brent in the band to make them look bad.

What did he do that was so bad, you ask? He stole guitars from the band and denied it. Everybody knew it was him. He also happened to be a compulsive liar. He lied about his birthday, and when he cheated on that one test in third grade. Generally, nobody liked him or saw any kind of potential in him, not even his own parents. He needed to go.

When he was inevitably kicked from Panic, he didn't take the news well. He begged Ryan to let him say, but Ryan, along with the rest of the band, refused to let him back in.

The only reason Brent was ever in Panic was because when Panic was originally getting started, the three didn't know anybody else who could play the bass. They new Brent wasn't the best of people, but they thought that he would at least be bearable to put up with. Well, they sure were wrong.

So now Panic was in need of two things: guitars, since Brent had stole all of theirs, and a bassist, to replace Brent. Brendon went to go buy the guitars while Ryan and Spencer started spreading the word around their high school that they were holding auditions.

Ryan hired a man named Jon Walker as the replacement bassist, believing he was the best out of everyone, but Brendon had his eyes on somebody different: Dallon Fuckin' Weekes. Brendon had never seen anybody as gorgeous as Dallon was, not to mention his bass playing skills. It was love at first sight. He believed Dallon was way better at playing bass than Jon was, and he tried bringing this up to Ryan, but Ryan said "no". Brendon not only wanted Dallon in the band because he was good at bass, but he also wanted him in Panic because he wanted to be able to spend a lot of time with him and get to know him better, and hopefully become something more than friends. He needed to find a way to get Jon out.

The next day Brendon found Dallon at school and apologized that he didn't get the spot in Panic, and that he thought he was better at playing than Jon. Brendon also suggested that him and Dallon should hang out and jam together sometime, and Dallon said "yeah".

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