Chemistry Class

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On Monday they all went back to school, Dallon and Brendon happened to have their science clASS together, which just so happened to be chemistry. "Hey Dallon" Brendon said. Oh I forgot to mention they were sitting at the same table to. They were taking notes. "Yes Brendon?" "You know how were in chemistry class right?" "Yeah." Brendon slid his paper with notes on it between them before smirking up at Dallon. "I guess you could say we have chemistry between us." He flirted. Dallon laughed and dramatically clutched his hand over his heart. "My Chemical Romance,oh my god!" They both laughed now.
They were sitting in the back of the class when this happened, so they werent rly noticable. But the teacher heard their laughter and she decided she wanted to put an end to their fun. "Stop making noise or its detention!" She snapped. Brendon and Dallon quickly quieted down when they herd there teacher whos name was ms. smith. They didnt wanted to get detention. Or maybe they did just to be alone together (FOB XD) in a empty room (*winks*).
The shuhnannigans continues despite the warming from ms. smith. Ms. smith was not a brallon shipper. She pointed right at bren and dallybear before shouting. "Detention! See me after school is over." from across the whole classroom because she was smad. Then she go back up to the front of the class to continue the lesson. The only thing the two wanted to se though was each other.....naked (a/n: ;) ). They was horney boys (who couldnt play horns, surprisingly, i mean brendon can play french horn ig. He can play ~everything~ ;) ), who could blame them?
So after school beebo and daldon made theyre way to detention. Dallon was there for a long time and beanbo came after bc he stopped to get starbucks (he's a basic white bitch). When he saw dallon tho, he thought his triple ventie half sweet non fat decaf soy caramel macchiato latte without foam and extra cream was going to come right back up. For many reeeson dal make him nervous. But he was happy they had the time they could be alone.
When he got back the teacher was gone, so Brendon didn't get in trouble, but it wasn't like he cared anyways because his parents definetly didnt. He only came back for Dallon tho. Once he made his way to the back off the room, he sat down at the desk next to Dallon's and smiled at him.
"Hey," Dallon greated him with a smile. "Hey," Brendon replied, "having fun in hear?" he asks. "No, its boring without you. You make everuthing fun." B smiled at his words and looked over at his desk to see that he was drawing. "What;s that?" he asked. "N-nothing." Dal spoke, quickly pushing his entire sketchbook off the desk. Brendon jumped up and grabbed it before Dallon could, loking at it closelt. "Plz dont hate me," was teh first thing dallon said. Brendom hushed him before he looked at the drawiing. IT was a drawinf of the 2 of them together and like a coiple. His cheaks heeted up and he looked back at dallon. "Did you draw this?" "yeah no shit." Brencon laugheed before he sat back dwon next to Dallon and took his hand. "I love it." "you do?" Dallon asked as he squeazed his hand. "I do."
BEfore he knew it Brendon had shitted in the same direction as Dallon, so they were face to face, or well, forehead, depending on how you wanted to look at it. You see Brendon was all forehead, and well, Dallon was taller. Well maybe it's more like forehead to chin but would Dallon just see hair because he's so tall or would he actually see Brendon and his massive forehead? Forget forehead thats an fivehead, so big and large ;), you could park a whole car there. Or better yet walk all over it, which most people did (they walked all over him, not his forehead. That would be weird lol).
He smiled at him before they both leaned in to kiss. At first dallon had hit brendon's nose, but after that he leaded him in a moist kiss. When they pulled back Bren grinned at him. "Boyfriends?" "Boyfriends."

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