Jam and Chill ;)

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After school that day, Brendon hurried home to get freshened up for when Dallon was coming over. He couldn't be smelling bad, not for Dallon at least. He wanted to give the tall giraffe of a male only the best. When he got into his room he stripped down to his socks and stood in his mirror for a second, checking himself out. Oh how he wished Dallon was the one doing it instead. What was he supposed to do, admire himself? Sure, he was a hot piece of ass, but that wasn't only reserved for himself. He had room for others and most definitely Dallon. He was kind of a whore (just like the grooms bride).

Once he finished looking himself over he went to his closet and pulled out a lavender hoodie, putting it on without an undershirt and then navy pants without underwear cause he was kinky like that ;). He hoped that Dallon and him would at the very least get to second base, and he didn't even understand the bases. He just knew it meant something...right? Maybe Dallon liked baseball and could understand better than him. He put on his glasses after just for an extra touch of beebo magic, because they sure did look sexy.

 He put on his glasses after just for an extra touch of beebo magic, because they sure did look sexy

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As soon as the doorbell rang, Brendon jumped out of his bed like a (pet) cheetah (Jason Statham). (A/N: haha top lol. Stay alive fren ||-// ). His mom was about to answer it when he pushed her aside and brushed his hair back, opening it to see it was only the mailman. He huffed and crossed his arms, walking off to let his mom deal with the mail.

Another 21 (lol) minutes goes by and Dallon finally shows up. Right when he knocked on the door Brendon was already there to open it. He took a deep breathe before opening the door to his future companion. "Hey," Dallon said. "Hi," Brendon said. "Can I come in?" Dallon asked. "Come in? Uh.....no." "Why not?" the giraffe like mail asked, COCKing his head to the side. "Uh....uh. My mom doesn't like mormons," he lied. But then Grace came over and said she was mormon and told Dallon to come inside.

Dallon looked around awkwardly, that Brendon kid was weird, but in a charming way. Like those fish with missing fins and things like that. (pretty) Odd but respectable. Either way he could feel some sort of attraction to Benson. Like the other just completed him or something and they had just met.

"Come into my room," Brendon told him as he led him up the stares. As they entered Josh looked around to see all of Brendon's posters, some which consisted of almost naked women, which he felt weird about. A little secret about Dallon was that he was gay, but nobody knew, but maybe it wasn't so secret haha. He wasn't like other boys, he was so different. He liked boys, they liked girls. He liked rock, they liked pop. He wore old clothes, they wore GAP. One thing they had in common though was that he didn't understand them and they didn't understand him.

"Nice posters," Dallon told him. "Thanks, there's 69 of them." (A/N: get it, 69? Haha cause you know.....XD). "Nice," he replied. Brendon looked around for a moment before back at Dallon. No one had made him this nervous before. Everything with Dallon was brand new and exciting and he loved every second of it. He knew Dallon had to feel something for him to, because there were obviously chemistry (MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE) between them.

"We should jam," Brendon told him. "Haha yeah, let''''''''''''''''''''''''''s do it." So then Dallon grabbed that bass that Brendon had laying around and played a really cool kick ass song by Nickelback. Brendon cheered, "woohoo." (like the sims, they should woohoo ;)))) ). Dallon told Brendon to play something for him after, but when he did, it was no good. He just got so nervous around Dallon. He wanted to do well for Dallon, but he messed up because he was so nervous. "I'm sorry that bad" Brendon said. "No you did great," Dallon said to Brendon, trying to make him feel better and not feel bad. "Really?" Brendon asked. Dallon nodded, but he was lieing. He didn't say anything because he didn't want to seem like the bad guy (duh).

After that Brendon and Dallon played a few songs and Brendon became a little bit better, but still not great. "Here let me show you," Dallon told him as he wrapped his arms around him from behind and showed him how to do everything. Brendon smiled and rested against him, letting himself relax against Dallon. The whole time all he could think about was the way Dallon was holding him. It was sweet, and right then he new he was in love with him.

"Thank you," Brendon told him quiet as they finished, keeping his hands against Dallon's for a min. Dallon felt his cheeks heat up as he looked down at their hands before pulling them back and clearing his throat once they parted. "Your welcome, this has been fun." Brendon nodded in response before he hummed in thought to think of another song that could play.

"Can I ask you something?" Dallon asked after a long moment of silence. The perfect song had just popped into Brendon's head at that moment to, but he supposed he could take a minute to talk to the other. "What's up?" he asked, tilting his head as he looked at him. "What did you mean earlier when you said your mom doesn't like Mormons? Your Mormon so that doesn't make sense." Brendon thought for a moment, he really had no answer for that, but he had to come up with one quick. "Mormons? Did I say that...oh. Yeah, uh, I meant morons, and not that you are one, but all my friends are...I mean we're morons when we're together and I guess it just came out as Mormons because english is my second language and yeah." (a/n: his first language is slut and he learned it from Pete Wentz). Dallon furrowed his eyebrows before nodding and shrugging it off. "That makes more sense now. Anyways, I gotta be home soon so let's get back to jamming.

The two played a few songs by radiohead before Dallon had to leave. Brendon walked him home that night and the two made small talk, staying very close to each other. Once Dallon was dropped off and inside his house, Brendon made his way back home, thinking about the other as he walked. Little did he know, Dallon was doing the same as he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling uwu.

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