Chapter Thirty- Detention

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TW: Mentions of Abuse


The buzz at dinner was quite intense as word spread that four first-year Gryffindors had turned the dungeons into a swamp. The disaster not only blocked the Slytherins from their common room and dorms, but also prevented Potions Class which was a subject truly liked by few while Professor Slughorn taught it.

Sirius and James were soaking in the attention. Even Peter seemed quite pleased with himself. But Remus' intense feeling of elation upon pulling the prank had soured just as intently as it had plummeted on being caught. He knew Sirius and James feigned remorse as first Professor Blavatnik scolded them, then Professor Slughorn, then Professor McGonagall.

Their head of house docked points and was going to be in charge of their detention. However, seeing as Professor Blavatnik caught them, he wanted that "privilege." Remus was already feeling terrible when Lily approached him at dinner. She was scandalized and so disappointed that Lily, of all people, was at a loss for words.

"I say it's an improvement for her," Sirius pointed out cheerfully, accepting another discrete high five from either a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. The Slytherins were livid with them and Gryffindors were irritated to mildly miffed due to all the house points they had lost.

"Don't say that," Remus pleaded, doing his best not to sound close to tears. If even Peter, who was usually as anxious about detention as Remus, was relaxed, then Remus truly had no reason to be.

"Lay off him, Sirius. Can't you see he's bent up his wittle girlfriend is upset at him?" James teased. Remus' face went scarlet.

It wasn't like that at all!

Sure his roommates had hinted at such a thing but they had never outright teased him about it before.

"That's not true!"

James laughed and Remus realized they were all in on it. Once again his friends were just being jerks as they tended to be. Remus spent the rest of dinner picking at his food and truly questioning his sanity due to his choice of "friends."


That night, detention with Professor Blavatnik was not nearly as "exciting" as Sirius and James had hoped. Remus found out they had gotten detention from every other professor before. However, their D.A.D.A professor had usually just let McGonagall give them detention when they irked him too much.

So they spent the walk to the classroom coming up with dangerous but "cool" things the professor would have them do as punishment.

"You reckon he'd make us fight a banshee? ...Or...or a werewolf!" declared James excitedly trying to one-up Sirius' guess of dueling the professor. Peter let out a strangled noise of fear, his happiness at the attention gone with their first detention looming over them.

Remus' legs, who had been doing their best despite all the stress, gave out at last. He hit the floor hard and bit back his cry, not because he was scared but ashamed. Once more he was cruelly reminded just what Sirius, James, and Peter thought of werewolves, and therefore, would think of him if they ever found out.

"You four are testing my patience. It's not wise to arrive late to detention," Professor Blavatnik called them menacingly from further down the hall. Sirius ignored him and went to Remus' side.

"You alright?" he asked, neither making fun of Remus nor irritated with him. He offered Remus his hand but Remus didn't take it, ignoring Sirius' questioning look. Professor Blavatnik watched them with narrow eyes.

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