Chapter Two: The Tour

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Woah. The entrance to UA was WAY bigger in person. You exhaled, and walked through the luminous entrance of the famous Japanese hero school. The sky was a breathtaking blue, and the atmosphere was crisp with fresh morning air. You let yourself smile, you made it.

You entered the glass building, looking around for a guide to this mysterious place. "Hello!" A small voice spoke.
"Huh? Who's there?" You looked down to see a small...bear? Mouse? whatever the creature was, it looked at you in a welcoming manner. It was sort of cute.

"My name is Nezu. I'm the principal!" You instantly tried your hardest to prevent your mouth from hanging open. This small man was the principal of this giant school?
He must be insanely talented. "Well...pleased to meet you, Nezu sir!" You chimed, bowing in respect.

The small mouse-man grinned and looked up at you. "Follow me please. I shall show you around UA!"
You both walked the halls of the glamorous school, you marveling at the interior design, and Nezu humming a tune. You still couldn't believe you were actually inside UA! He showed you to a few of the classrooms and workspaces, the light of the morning filling every one of them.

After an explanation of the school and how it's education system worked, you reached a room with the words "Teacher's Lounge" on the sign above the door. Pretty self explanatory, where UA's staff came together to plan lessons and take a break. You looked down at Nezu and opened your mouth. "Do we go inside?" You asked, fidgeting with your hands.
"Yes!" Nezu smiled, pushing open the door with his small paws.

Inside were a few people. There was a man wearing leather and a speaker around his neck. His blonde hair was spiked upwards, making a banana shape. He had orange shades covering his eyes. He was talking to a woman in a skintight, white hero costume. Her spiky blue-violet hair moved every time she laughed, along with the broken handcuffs on her wrists. She wore boots and a choker over her hero costume.
There was a muscly man standing in the corner, fangs sticking out of his curled mouth. He seemed intimidating, so you quickly moved on to the next person.
You saw a raven haired man sleeping in a yellow sleeping back, bits of a grey scarf sticking out.

Once the door was finally open, they all seemed to look at you. Besides the sleeping man.
The blonde haired man's face lit up as soon as he saw you, and he ran towards you, smile wide. "HELLO LISTENER!! YOU MUST BE OUR NEW CO-WORKER!" After the man yelled, the sleeping bag seemed to move, and it's inhabitant opened his eyes. "Quiet down." He grumbled.
The human cockatiel quickly apologized and went back to staring at you. "What's your name miss?"
"Y/N)." You responded. His face lit up. "Ohhh, I've heard of you! Nice to meet you! Names Present Mic." He held out his hand, grinning. You shook his hand and beamed.

You introduced yourself to the..unique individuals you saw, and learned they were all very sweet, causing your fear to drip away.
Maybe it won't be that scary here... You thought.

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