Dress it up and call it love 2: Alone together

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Aziraphale pulled away for a moment, and his face was at its most meltingly tender and concerned. "Are you entirely sure this is what you want, my dear?"

"I've never been more sure about anything," said Crowley, which was at one and the same time completely and utterly true and a lie so terrible that it would have turned his wings black if they hadn't already been. He was both half-crazed with wanting at the idea of finally being close, and half-crazed with terror at the potential consequences. What if Aziraphale hated it? What if Aziraphale Fell, and hated him as a consequence? What if Aziraphale just flew away afterwards to avoid being tempted again? It had taken five and a half thousand years of patient circling and pushing to reach their present Arrangement, he shouldn't risk losing it all because Aziraphale was in his bedroom looking unspeakably enticing in silk and velvet.

Or because Aziraphale had kissed him with every sign of willingness, almost as if he'd spent as much time thinking about it over the centuries as Crowley had.

All right. Maybe that was worth losing anything for. He darted his tongue against Aziraphale's lips, and Aziraphale moaned and leaned in to capture it in a mouth that tasted of sugared almonds, and really what was Crowley expected to do, resist temptation? He was a demon. A demon clasped in the arms of an unFallen angel, in his own bedroom. Probably not giving into lust at this point would have upended the entire order of the Universe, so Crowley didn't need to bear any responsibility for it anyway.

"Please tell me you're not going to report this back to Hell," Aziraphale whispered against his lips.

"Never. You're safe with me." It came out with more fervent tenderness than Crowley had meant to express, and he coughed, embarrassed. "Not going to risk you being sent back Up There and getting an actual righteous Adversary. Could be a complete pain. What if they were better at coin tosses? I might have to do all my own work for once."

"I suppose it's within the spirit of the Arrangement."

"Angel, I will do any blessing you ask of me if you kiss me like that again," Crowley said recklessly.

"Not too many blessings. I don't want you being recalled." Aziraphale obliged just as his words sank in, and Crowley's heart spiralled with sharp triumph. Thousands of years of friendship and this was the first time Aziraphale had verbally expressed wanting him around. Bloody cautious angel... But the arms around him and the mouth pulling at his didn't feel cautious at all, they felt greedy and demanding. Had he imagined that Aziraphale would be passive and shy as a lover? His angel who was so terribly weak to all the pleasures of this wonderful planet.

Aziraphale slowly slid a hand up Crowley's thigh, warm, warm skin radiating through the silk hose, and leaned his forehead against the demon's own.

Aziraphale murmured, "How can I resist? You are so exquisite, dear," and Crowley lost control completely at Aziraphale actually speaking one of Crowley's most well-used fantasies. He flung his arms tight and hard around Aziraphale's neck, pressing his chest against generous layers of fur and velvet and silk and linen, impossibly rich and soft and under it the softness and endless generosity that was the angel himself, and his hips rocked.

These ridiculous codpieces, they looked provocative enough, but all that padding and embellishment was a problem, he was achingly hard but he could hardly feel a thing through it, and could he do miracles or not? It was gone, and now he could feel the friction of silk against his bare cock and behind it the warm luxuriant flesh of Aziraphale's thigh, and he made that embarrassing needy sound again.

This time Aziraphale didn't chuckle, he supported him in his arms and guided his thrusts against him. "That's right, Crowley," he whispered. "I have you, my dear, my dearest," and Crowley fell apart, hissing.

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