Sorry I'm Not Bestiality

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Sorry, Im Not Bestiality

Author: HippeLove123


"Mate!" He growled, practically storming over and grabbing my waist. Placing my hands on his shoulders for support I leaned back when he leaned in. "Wow! Listen I'm all for making new friends but I think this is a tad bit soo-AH!" I exclaimed when he tried to kiss my neck. Slipping out of his hold I staggered backwards and managed to keep some difference between me and lover boy. What the Hell is he doing?! "You're mine!" "What? Back off Romeo I've got contacts!" I warned, walking backwards to try and watch him but at the same time runaway. What contacts I was talking about I had no idea. "Don't run away from me." "Help! Um--FIRE!" I yelled, trying to get anyone's attention. Oh God I was going to get killed by some weirdo in a suit in the middle of an alleyway. "Stop screaming." He ordered, about lose it at any minute. Grabbing the lid of a nearby trashcan I threw it at his head. He dodged it by miles. Continuing to throw everything I could find (I'm pretty sure a cat was one of them, along with a whole trash can full of rubbish) He ended up grabbing the last thing I threw and slamming it to the wall next to him. "ENOUGH!" Now, I don't know whether at the time, I was drunk (From air) Stressed (From life), or just maybe a bit tired (From work) but as the stranger in front of me shouted for me to stop, his eyes turned completely black, his teeth extended to the point that he looked like a screwed up vampire, veins appeared underneath his eyes, around his mouth and on his neck and his ears began to turn into points. "HOLY F**iNG CRAP!"

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