Part 31

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"Popular" -Part 31

I was nervous.

Me; Um... I was talking with the other boy and he... started making fun of me.

That's better than 'he was ready to rape me and Martinus helped me'

Me; So then, Martinus came and he tried to stop him. And after that, I don't know how, they started fighting.

Tinus' mum; So you're saying that you were the reason?

Me; Kinda.

She got shocked.


She started crying and Martinus' father stroked her back.

Tinus' dad; It's okay Y/N. It's not your fault.

Me; No no no she's right. It's all my fault.

I stood up and my eyes got wet.

Me; l have to go.

Tinus' dad; Okay sweety but don't get sad... You're his best friend. He needs you.

Well we're not just friends.

I started walking and suddenly a doctor stopped me.

Doctor; Hey. Do you know Zach Herron?

Me; Um yeah. What happened?

Doctor; He doesn't feel so good... He told me to find a girl called Y/N. Is that you?

Me; Oh yes. He's okay?

Doctor; I don't know... But his parents are abroad and they'll come to see him in a week... So-

Me; Oh. Yes Um... Sure. I'll come.

He smiled amd we went inside a room.

I saw Zach lying on a bed. He seemed tired and he eyes were red. Maybe he had been crying.

Me; Is it serious?

Doctor; Well... He's gonna be alright soon. But he needs to relax.

Me; Okay I'll take care of him.

The doctor smiled and he left.

I looked at Zach and I went one step closer.

Zach; We need to talk.

Me; About what?

Zach; I wanna apologize. I'm so ashamed of myself... Me; You should.

Zach; Give me one more chance... Please... I totally regreted it... I'm begging you.

Me; It's okay Zach. But we can't be together.

l was trying to focus on his words.

l was pretty tired as I hadn't slept for days.

Zach; Are you fine?

Me; Yeah.

Zach; You look exhausted. Come. Come here and sleep.

Me; Nahh I'm okay.

Zach; Oh then... Come and sit next to me in the chair.

Martinus won't be happy but I'm just gonna sit for some minutes.

No one is here to help him so...
I can't leave him alone.
#mmimagines #mmstories

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