Part 43

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"Popular" -Part 43

I'm lying on my bed, holding my mobile phone.

I'll call him.

I'll tell him to come here.


What if he moved on?

It's 3 months.

I don't know.

Anyway, I turned on my phone and I tapped on his name.

Martinus; Hello?

Me; Hey Martinus... It's me Y/N.

He didn't talk.

Martinus; Oh hey... Um... How are you?

Me; I'm fine and you?

Martinus; If you're fine, I'm okay too.

I blushed.

Martinus; Well... I thought you were angry with me.

Me; Why?

Martinus; I don't know I've been sending you many messages since these months and you didn't answer.

Me; What messages?

Martinus; You didn't receive them?

Me; Um... No.

Martinus; Weird... Anyway. Why did you call me?

Me; Oh. Just to hear your news.

Martinus; Oh nice. Nothing is spec-

Me; And I was wondering if you wanna come over.

He didn't reply immediately.

Martinus; Really?

I smiled.

Martinus; I mean... When?

Me; I don't know... tonight?

Martinus; Okay but... why?

Me; Oh nothing... It's okay if your girlfriend doesn't want-

Martinus; Don't be silly. I don't have any girlfriend.

I tried not to seem happy.


Me; Oh. Okay then. You'll come?

Martinus; Of course I will.

I smiled.

Me; Nice.

Martinus; Yes.

Me; Can't wait.

Martinus; Take care baby.
Call ended

Awww fuck I shouldn't have called him. HE'S CUTE AS FUCK.

I can't do this without him.

I love him so freaking much.

My lil boy is gonna come.

I'll talk to him again.
#mmimagines #mmstories

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