Part 32

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"Popular" -Part 32

About 30 minutes later I stood up.

Zach; Hey what's wrong?

Me; Um... I was just leaving. It's night and you know... I don't wanna bother you.

Zach; You won't! I mean... You're never annoying. I'm in love with you. And I wanna be with you all the time.

Me; Zach I-

Zach; It's fine I don't want you to tell me that you're in love with me or not. Just please stay.

I took a deep breath.

Me; Okay.

I sat on the chair next to his bed and he smiled.

Me; But I'll leave later. Okay?

He nodded, smiling.

He closed his eyes.

I was trying to stay awake.

The lights were closed.

There were no noises.

Zach was sleeping.

I blinked many times.

I woke up and I realized that I had stayed there all night!

With Zach!

Martinus will be worried about me.

I can't tell him that l was with Zach!

Uugh I messed up again.

And not only this, he was also holding my hand.
Huff I'm so confused.

Zach is such a nice boy.

He makes me happy, he's in love with me.

But I have feeling for Martinus.

It's not about that Zach is not good or something.
I've just fallen for Martinus.

I let his hand and I stood up.

I grabbed my phone and my bag and then he woke up.

Zach; Good morning.

Me; Morning.

I smiled.

Me; How are you feeling?

Zach; When you're with me, everything's better.

I blushed but hell I can't do this.

I'm with Martinus.

Me; I'm leaving.

Zach; Okay... You'll come back?

Me; Um... I don't know. Maybe.

Zach; Okay. See ya.

I smiled and I left.

I went smiling to Martinus' room.

I've missed him.

I opened the door and I saw his mum sitting next to him.

Tinus' mum; Good morning Y/N.

Me; Hey.

When Martinus saw me, he didn't smile or something.
I don't know why.

Tinus' mum; I wanna apologize to you for my behaviour.

Me; It's okay... I understand.

She stood up and she hugged me.

Tinus' mum; Okay okay. I'll leave you alone now.

She smirked and she left.

I looked at Martinus smiling.

Me; How's my boy?

He didn't answer and he looked at me hironically like 'Wow you care'. I went closer to him.

Me; What's wrong babe?

He didn't reply.
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