Part 52

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"Popular" -Part 52

I was so sad.

Me; That's why you've never liked them? You've never let me talk to you ab-bout them?

She was crying too, full of anger.

Sister; I knew that one day you were going to fall for him. He's handsome, cute and he has always cared about you. You both thought you were gonna
stay friends forever. Well... you forgot that the human being has feelings and he can easily fall in love with someone. You've never realized that you could be a couple. That's why I tried my best to keep you away from him... Sooner or later, you'd find the truth. And you would be hurt. That's why I didn't want you to fall in love with him.

This can not be true.

Me; So... You're saying that... Martinus' parents are a reason for their death?

Sister; Yeah. And that's why I hate them. It is unfair. LIFE is not fair. I LOVED them. They were my parents. AND THEY LEFT ME. THEY LEFT US... And Martinus' patents were the reason. Are the reason.

Me; Not the main reason. They were all drunk.


Me; It was our parents' decision too to drive home by car.

Sister; I don't care. Our parents died that night. And Martinus' parents survived. Since then, they're trying to protect you and behave you well, cause they're
afraid that you'll know the truth and will be angry with them.

Me; Why you didn't tell me earlier?

Sister; Cause you were not ready. And you're still not. Just please. You have to understand why I'm saying this.

I stood up crying and I went in my room.

I don't believe it.

I can't believe it.

Suddenly l heard a noise from my phone.

I turned it on and I saw message from Martinus.
Martinus; Wanna talk?

Me; You changed your mind?

Martinus; I'm sorry baby.

Me; Sorry for what? For giving up on me? For giving up on our relationship?

Martinus; You're right and I'm sorry.

Me; No. I am sorry.
End of texting
I don't wanna talk to him.

It's not only that he gave up so easy, but also I can't get my head around the fact that our parents were together that night.

I need some time to think.

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