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Run… that's all i knew to do is run

But why?

Why was i running?

What was I running from?

My feet pounded onto the ground with a slight thump sending vibrations through the forest that I had entered.

How long have i been running?

I thought to myself as I continued to follow what I presumed as my instincts. I was well aware no one was chasing me but i still ran like i was running from death itself. A suddenness hit me like a wave crashing onto the beaches sandy bed. My vision faded in a blink of an eye as a loud and dagger like sound reverberated over the trees, through the ground and in the wind. The noise ended with my sharp intake of breath as I felt darkness consume my vision as fire seized my insides of my back following a deathening sharp pain that raged with agony but it also had a sharp feel of venom to it poison perhaps? I fell to my knees before I collapsed onto my front the thump of my body landing sending out a dying vibration that echoed back to me through the ground.
"Do not go gentle into that goodnight Rage Rage against the dying of the light"
words echoed in my mind as whispers and voices traveled through it intoxicating me in shadows of despair. A faint vibration responded to my faint dying one. I do not know of who it was that came but their arms were gentle and strong lifting my frail battered and weak body from the ground with care to avoid the object protruding from my back it's handle already covered in a crimson blueish red of my blood. I was slow to close my eyes as I tried to look at the figure who lifted my body up.
"Stay child… sleep you're in need of it"
their voice resounded in my mind above the rest. I closed my eyes not being able to even have the strength to do nothing. I was at this figures complete and utter mercy.

What is that?

My head hurts…


my mind is still telling me to Run…

The figure who held me close as he walked was slow and gentle as to prevent my blood to continue to drip.
"What did they want from you…"
the figure said speaking to my sleeping form as if I was listening. 

-1 hour time lapse-

The figure halted to a stop at a clearing of sorts. A large black building with 4 floors many windows and a set of elegant but ancient looking doors as the entrance was what stood in the middle. The figure paused to seemingly look up at a smallish tower in the center of the roof of the building a large window that was made around the wall of the tower was made of stained glass though it was a circular tower the window was divided four times one window facing east,west,north,and south to allow the light to seep in but the roof to the tower was broad and provided plenty of shade to only allow light from dawn and dusk to pass through the glass. The figure looked to the west to see the brilliant sun glowing dimly as it disappeared slowly into the shadows of the horizon. Enough light revealed that the figure was tall and slim wearing a black suit his skin white and he seemingly had no face but yet he held gently to me in his arms. He walked onward going to the door and lightly opening it using what looked to be black tentacles coming from his back. Stepping inside he quietly closed the door.
"New recruit slendy?"
Someone said to his right within on of the first floor rooms. This room in particular had a large wall mounted flat screen tv, speakers in every roof corner of the room as well as one on either side of the tv, a large half circle couch colored a velvet black with a large round table to match. Below the mounted tv was a long flat table holding disks, remotes, the newest Playstation and hand consoles with the added bonus of a channel box for the TV and a DVD player. To the left of the tv in the corner was a large square cabinet that held extra dvds that didn't fit on the table and in the far left corner was a smaller table made for a tea party that was located behind the couch for privacy. Sitting on the couch playing the playstation was a man in green with black eyes with a red pupil and a strange substance dripping from them like tears
"in a way, yes"
the slendy said and went to the stairs that were a few feet ahead of the door. He walked down a hall that had many doors still going slow holding me still. He stopped in front of a blueish door and opened it.
"EJ i require your assistance in helping someone,"
he said as the one named EJ stepped out from behind what looked to be a curtain. He wore a blue mask with two eye holes that oozed black.
"Sir? Isn't that a human?"
EJ said referring to the person slendy was holding.
"Yes well no i'm not exactly sure on that but she was running from something or better yet… someone who i'm not sure as it seemed she was running for a long time before I found her with a dagger in her back"
slendy said while laying my frail and weak form on my side onto the table behind the curtain EJ was behind
(skipping the description of this room oof-)
EJ looked at me for a few seconds before sighing
"I'll see what i can do"
he says as slendy thanked him and left. EJ returned his attention to me and began to do what he could starting off by carefully removing the dagger. 

-time lapse by about 3 hours your mind-

It was dark, I couldn't tell where anything was no light
it's cold… why is it cold here?...
ignoring the sheering cold i felt around me.
Where?.. am i?
I inquired to myself the thoughts echoed through the darkness like i was in my own mind. Shaking my head I noticed I was laying down so sitting up i looked around that's when I noticed a light some ways in the distance of the dark surroundings. Standing i made my way toward the strange light nearly missing the fact that no vibrations resounded from me or toward me. Odd… this has never happened before… right?.. I couldn't shake the thought that i was supposed to be remembering something(s) i hated the feeling… was I forgetting something? My only memories start after my mind was telling me to run. Where was I running to again?.. I shook my head again the light was much closer now. How odd that i thought track of my surroundings just by thinking to myself despite my own thoughts echoing back to me. I stopped moving a few feet in front of the light I could hear voices on the other side some sounding cheerful while others sounded quite annoyed.

Should i go?

Should i continue?

Move forward perhaps?

"It is your choice to return child" A voice resounded through the dark cataclysm that only echoed my thoughts. I felt like this being that spoke in my mind was a friend but why would i feel safe?  Shaking my head I took a deep breath and took the final steps into the light. The darkness faded rather quickly but i felt nothing i couldn't express the fact that i was still unconscious but my soul seemed to be awake. The voices had grown louder after i had stepped through that strange light but the voices were of little concern i couldn't make them out for nothing but vibrations on the wind. "....- asleep for 3 weeks how does that?" I barely was able to catch those words before it became nothing but vibrations like my body was fighting my senses. Great looks like i have to reacquire my senses.. wait what are the senses i'm supposed to acquire? Bah it doesn't matter… I'll figure it out… I couldn't help feeling trapped in place but I also felt safe where I was on a relatively stable surface… was it a bed? Who knows… I should rest some i feel so drained. "It would be wise to rest child" there's the strange voice again… who is that? How can they speak in my mind?... why do i feel safe like this? "Rest" they repeated in my mind. I seemed happy to oblige and drift into sleep i think it's sleep at least.
To be continued…

Maybe >:3

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