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Chapter 3

Waking up next time was much easier than before this time I actually recalled the past few weeks or maybe a month? Possibly more depending on how long I stayed asleep from collapsing in His arms.


I mumbled in my brain it was almost instantly that he replied

"you're awake"

I used a bit of my senses to feel the air around me. Yes he was sitting nearby probably doing something while he waited.

"How's your head and body feeling? Any pain?"

His voice was calm at the very least. I took a moment to slowly sit up relieved to no longer feel pain in my back nor over my body, I had a headache and upon lifting my hand up i felt bandages around my head mostly around my eyes feeling my arms I felt bandages also around my wrist probably from when I forced myself from out of the restraints.

How did I even get out of them?..

I questioned in my mind still puzzled from my outburst my last waking time

"if i had to guess i say you felt trapped and afraid you were in great pain and putting you in restraints must have caused some instinct in your body to get out or run"

his choice of words made me flinch though i didn't recall my reasoning for running. Ah right… my first memory… or was it? I shook my head and groaned when i did so and pressed the palm of my hand onto my head


Slender asked i only waved my hand as a response hoping he figured out he was right. Apparently he figured it out and stood coming over and taking my other hand and placing what I guess was a glass of water. It took me a moment to let the throbbing die away when it did I gratefully took a sip of the water. I sensed slender sit next to me. I had the odd suspicion that what he was doing was completely out of character for him but i only just met him a while ago from him saving me i guess.

".... why didn't… you let me….. die… back in the… woods?"

I sensed my dry and soft voiced question caught him off guard since he shifted a bit where he sat.

"I… don't have an answer to that.."

I chuckled slightly though it was raspy and dry making me sip the glass he gave me. The thought that he was playing nice and the glass had poison crossed my mind but my heart told me otherwise so I just dismissed the thought. We sat in silence for a bit before I finished my glass and set it down

"hey… can you… show me around?"

He seemed to turn and look at me though I could only feel his movements since my eyes were still covered.

"Even though you currently can't see you want to be shown around?"

Slender said which i only slightly nodded to. My head was not throbbing much after I had drank whatever was in that glass which I assumed had some pain killer in it He then held one of my hands and helped me to my feet, unfortunately I had to rely on him for support. He seemed happy to help me as he led me away and out of what i guess was the infirmary. He led me down a few hallways describing things for me and holding one of my hands up to touch the wall and doors as well. After a time of mentally mapping the area he led me to the stairs and guided me down them with his help when we got down the last step i was aware of 3 things
one it was quiet
two the lay out that I can see with my senses tells me there's a secret stairway behind something and
three there's food.
I was slow to realize the people in the area who became active talkers when they saw me and slender.

"Woah now that's a shocker wouldn't think you could be kind to help the newbie slendy"

I giggle with a raspy and dry voice and slightly smile even though i can't see i bet there's some people smiling thankfully though that my hearing was normalish so their voices didn't seem so loud i say this because they began to talk amongst themselves. Slender continued to lead me around and i just kept mapping it all in my head i even managed to find where the main entrance is in case i need to bolt which I hope won't happen. I stop in my tracks i think i confused slenderman for a moment in doing so.

Deja vu?

I turn my head towards the general direction of the door and stay still thinking about how the thought of bolting in case of an emergency was somehow deja vu ish. Slender slightly moved me forward and I apsentmindaly continued onward him guiding me around the first floor before he paused in front of the hidden staircase which still unknown to me how i knew about them i reach a hand out and touch the wall to my left. I felt the wall move and to my luck slender didn't seem to mind this and led me behind the wall and up a stairway. I felt as if it was still day but i yawned. Slender took noticed and hoisted me gently into his arms. It was comforting… but why.. for a few moments slender just held me and walked up the flight of stairs

if this is a dream…. I hope to not wake up

i said in my mind. I felt slender stop moving but only briefly before continuing unknown to me a dull pain was forming over my hands and arms for reasons i wouldn't know till later on. Slender continued up before reaching the top i had fallen back asleep. He seemed to smile 'looking' down at my small, weak, and frail form that nearly looked like bones and nothing more he didn't understand his reasoning for taking in the girl in his arms but he knew that the connection between her and him was real like they were connected and he knew that no matter what he'll do whatever he can to help her. At the present he was concerned about her lack of memory for her age she should have memories going far back into her past but it's blank up to the point where she had started to run before the sheering pain and collapsing. If he had to guess he would assume that she was under some sort of medication to block or erase her memories and that day when she was running was when it wore off.

He didn't dare ask her fearing she would start to panic and freak because she couldn't remember. He sighed sort of before looking at the couch and bed that was placed in the beautiful room that stood higher than the roof of the mansion. He would sometimes come up here to watch the sun rise but for now the one in his arms can come and go from here. Why was he trusting her? He didn't know it but this girl will save him and his family of creepypasta's.

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