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I don't recall when i woke up but here i am now. I blinked a few times my eyes were covered by some strange cloth how odd it was rather quiet but i could very briefly feel the vibrations of other voices beyond this room I was in it is hard to describe but while I was sending out a bit of my hearing and feeling i felt an old but wise and powerful being in the room though as odd as it was, I couldn't help but expand my hearing..

ah this is one of my senses

With the thought of identifying one of my senses nearly almost instantly did every voice beyond the room become crystal clear. Lifting my hands quickly I covered my ears from the noises.

Everyone is so loud…

I thought to myself only for my response to be answered right away by the strange being i sensed moments ago.

"They are rather loud but they all get along just fine"

as i was thinking the strange being spoke to me.


I turned my head towards the general direction of the being even though cloth covered my eyes, my voice was dry and soft like i never used it before.

"Don't strain your voice child your mind is still in a daze from your sudden experience with death"

the being said. I removed my hands from my ears but the feeling of something wet on my hands was left which left me confused.

"It appears your sense of hearing and identifying voices is still overwhelming for you"

the being said. I sensed him move closer and something wet brush over and in my ears for a moment. A cloth i think to clean away whatever was coming from my ears.

"Your blood is such an odd color"

slight confusion and fear traced through my mind




I wouldn't know what was happening if the being didn't wipe away the tears that subconsciously fell from my eyes dampening the cloth that blocked my vision.


I stuttered softly only a single word i felt myself lightly shake


What is this?

W-why am i?

The being I felt placed a hand on my forehead or at least what i thought was a hand.

"Calm your mind child"

his words were kind and gentle but something bugged me the most. 

Raising one hand i placed it onto the beings hand it's fingers were long and slender they felt cold like ice. The being removed his hand after a few moments leaving me to wonder what this being looked liked. Tracing down my hand i felt the cloth around my eyes and slightly pulled only to hiss in pain

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