A fresh Start

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I awoke in a place that was rather beautiful and perfect, at first I was confused since I had no dream from the night before but what made things stranger was how I ended up in this room. Sitting up, I took the time to recap on how i got here it only took me a few minutes to remember the first time I remembered something. I was running, running from something i could not see though i still ran. I remember the shearing flame of pain that embedded into my back but i gave no sound or voice to the pain when collapsing to the ground bleeding and soon to die. I remember sending my own weak andying vibration as I closed my eyes. That's when it hit me, right before I recall blacking out and welcoming the darkness I remember feeling an answered vibration return my weak and dying one. I smiled must have been slenderman... I said into my mind with a warm smile. For some reason slender was really kind to me and helped me with anything I needed. I winced, looking at my arms I noticed the bandages were red. Sighing i got up and instantly collapsing and gasped in agony. There was pain crawling over my back, arms, and legs to say it was an agonizing pain was an understatement it literally felt i was on fire. I coughed into my hand for a few moments, that's when I felt eyes on me. Looking away from the floor I noticed someone at the doorway, EJ to be exact.

"The pain killer wore off as well as whatever those people gave you"

i was confused and hurting too much to care about whatever he was talking about so I just stayed there on the floor panting slightly and looked at my hand. Not surprising there was blood on it guess something wasn't exactly right about something in my body. I sigh and sent out a few vibrations around me to reconnect with the layout of the massive house and well as with where my new family was. Oddly i didn't find slender among the house I would need to check his location later. Wait why did i care where he was? Bah that doesn't matter now, right now i would really like to not be in pain. EJ came over to me and offered his assistance which I gladly accepted. Though I barely knew them i already trusted them, after all they accepted me without hesitation and helped me with what they could. I honestly felt guilty for not being strong enough to do things on my own yet if i was stronger i could do things by myself and not need the help. I sigh as EJ took me to the medical wing of the house
(yes medical wing)
He helped me over to one of the examine tables and sat down. He moved around getting pain killer and some things which i assumed will be to give me a check up or something. For some reason I felt relatively calm when he injected some substance from a needle into my skin. I didn't flinch or move which made him slightly confused, next he checked my eyes, head and back. He paused looking at my back.

"what is it?"

I asked clearly confused since he was looking at it for a while now.

"The scar left from the dagger is not healing as quickly as I hoped..."

he said sounding discouraged. I shrugged

"don't be worried it's not something to worry about"

he seemed confused by my words but continued with his check up. Removing the wraps from my arms notting the dried blood on them he stared at my arms. I was shocked by what I saw as well...
Blood, scars, burn marks, and what looked to be whelps in my skin. It was a scary looking mix of different things on my arms that made me retch in pure disgust and horror. EJ said nothing as he began to clean up my arms the dried blood was the results of some of the burn marks that looked sort of old now but must have been fresh at one time when I had ran. I sighed again and heard a voice in my head

"I found something that may involve you"

he ended the conversation there leaving me confused and annoyed. EJ finished his work and provided some pain killer for me. It helped me to feel better plus whatever was in that needle had given me some strength. I thanked EJ before leaving the medical wing and heading downstairs and slowly making my way to the front door. What was i thinking right now? I don't know... I placed my hand on the doorknob and instantly felt adrenaline rush through my veins. I turned the door and opened it wide. A gust of wind shot through the open door as light flooded in. it was a soft light that made me gasp as I stepped out the door leaving it open. The sound I heard around me made my soul well and grow. My mind once again started to tell me to run but i felt like something was different. I breath in and started to step off the porch and stepped into the grass. It was soft on my bare feet and felt amazing. I laughed a bit before moving away from the porch and further into the grass before laying down and slightly rolling in the soft grass before laughing more and looking up at the blue sky. It of course was foggy in my vision but I just smiled and stared up at it. I closed my eyes after just laying there for a time and enjoying the cool breeze as the sun slowly moved to it's afternoon position in the sky. I felt a few vibrations be sent out as there was movement in the woods. I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the vibrations only to spot a human. I tilted my head watching them curiously. I regret just sitting there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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