Eyes Open

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Chapter 4

The sunsets rays slowly began to trickle into the dome like room of slender mansion casting an amazing color of rays over the entire room and beautiful colors flowing over the bed that was in the center it was a beautiful sight to behold. I slowly sat up feeling the cool air and rays of light but not seeing anything but the cloth covering my eyes. Raising my hand, I slowly but surely removed the cloth closing my eyes to do so. It stung for a moment as the cloth slightly tugged my skin but I eased it off being gentle. After i felt the last of the cloth detach from my skin I placed the cloth to the side and slowly opened my eyes. It took me a moment to let my eyes adjust to the rays of sun but I smiled as my sense of sight returned.

Well that’s good at least

I said in my head and took in the sight of the stained glass circular room that I was currently in. the bed I was laying on was soft and rather gentle on my skin as I rubbed the fabric of the blanket that was draped over me.

Oh another sense… sense of touch,

my head throbbed for a few seconds which made me rub my temples then i realized my arms were aching in pain they also itched but as i touched my arms I couldn't exactly feel them I knew that I was holding my arm because i was looking at them but for the moment I realized I had bandages on them which made sense but I didn't understand why. I slowly shook my head and then focused my vision though it was hard my vision was slightly foggy and not just in one place everywhere i looked it was foggy so I guessed that something happened to them to fog my vision. I heard someone come up and when I turned to the side there He stood.

You’re awake i see.. ah you also removed the cloth over your eyes.

I subconsciously smiled at him happiness had slowly crept into my mood which I guess confused him for a moment but he seemed to ‘stare’ into my eyes which I happily stared back at him.

Your eyes are rather odd.. But they are still beautiful.

he ‘looked’ confused and shocked by his own statement but i just giggled and looked away tucking my hair behind one of my ears and looked out toward the sunset.

It’s beautiful this evening though i can barely make it out since my vision is foggy

I said while smiling more gently than before. Slenderman walked over and sat next to the bed on the couch and watched the sunset also.

You’re right.. It is beautiful…

I shut my eyes slowly and softly sighed with contentment, I know that for some reason that only the galaxy must know but i am here with the man that I assume I should be afraid of but i’m perfectly calm around him which i feel he has realized is unusual for an average person, but unlike the normal people I am not normal at least i don’t think so.

Would you like to ‘see’ everyone else here?

slender asked me calmly and slightly cautiously.

I don’t know… let me stay here for a time till the sun fades behind the horizon… then we can go…

I mumbled softly as I opened my eyes to watch as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon. The light reflected off the lower clouds in beautiful oranges, pinks, and yellow. The Golden sun was like an orb of power among the sky.

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