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The name's Alexander. Not Alex. Not Zander. Alexander.

"Zandy! We are going to be late!" Okay, his little sister calls him Zandy. But that's it.

Alexander totally crushed junior year, and he is ready to do the same for senior year. The first step is always making sure his messy hair is in point. Ten minutes of plucking and tussling and rubbing pomade yields the perfect just-rolled-out-of-bed look.

The bathroom door is thrown open, and Sammie stands with her hands on her hips. Her large "nerd" glasses are starting to slide down her nose. But maybe her crazy snake-like curls will push them back up for her.

She takes in Alexander's first-day outfit: navy shorts with a nice striped shirt. She rolls her eyes. "Come on, big bro. Your hair is perfect." She grabs his arm and begins to pull. "We are going to be late to school if we don't leave now."

"Hey!" Alexander protest. "I haven't had breakfast yet."

"It's a half-day. You'll live." Sammie is locking the front door and walking to their shared car.

Alexander chases after his sister. He beats Sammie to the car and slides into the driver's seat first. "Hand over the keys, little sis!" He holds out his hand.

Sammie grumbles as she hands them over. "I was the one that was ready on time."

"Just get in the car, Sammie," Alexander smiles as he starts the engine. "We're going to be late!"

Sammie marches around to the passenger side. "He is so annoying." She slams her door shut.

( : ( : [] : ) : )

"Trevor," Valery mutters against her boyfriend's lips. "Hey, babe," she laughs as he keeps kissing her.

"What?" He reluctantly pulls back, placing one more peck against her lips.

Trevor and Valery are by the front steps of the school. Valery is sitting on the ledge by the stairs as Trevor stands in front of her. No one else has arrived yet, so they are using the wait to make up for lost time. It's been a long day and a half since they last saw each other. And now, they will be locked in school for most of the day. Their relationship is really going to go through some struggles now. But, Valery is determined to bring her summer fling into her junior year.

Valery wipes some of Trevor's dark curls from his forehead. "You were talking about a party on Friday."

"Yeah, and?" Trevor kisses her neck, nose...

"Stop" Valery laughs as she bats at him. "I'm trying to talk."

Trevor pouts. "Why? I won't get to see you forever!"

Valery giggles some more and playfully smacks his chest. "Stop, what's up with this party?"

He shrugs, "It's happening." He wraps his arms around his girlfriend and continues to kiss her.

"Ew!" A male voice groans behind them. "I do not want to see that."

Trevor pulls back and groans. "Why?" He asks the sky.

"Alexander!" Valery scolds.

"What?" He looks to his sister. "Is it so weird to not want to see my cousin macking lips?"

Sammie chuckles. "It's cute."

Alexander rolls his eyes. "It's gross."

"Eek!" Valery squeals as Trevor pulls her down. "Careful, my skirt!"

When Valery is on her feet, Trevor grabs her hand, "Come on, we need to find a new make-out place."

"I'll catch you guys later!" Valery called over her shoulder.

"Ugh," Alexander groans again. "They nauseate me."

"Alexander! My man!" Alexander is tackled from behind by his friend Kenith. "Ready to kill this year!"

"Hey, dude!" Alexander smacks his shoulder. "How you been? How was the end-of-summer vacation?"

"Dude! So great!" Kenith's thick arms are thrown up! "We went to the lake and chilled. And then there was a splash zone with slides and rope swings and trampolines. We rented a speed boat. Plus," Kenith leans in conspiratorially, "my mom gave me a drink when we were just floating." He leans back with a smile. "My mom is so cool."

Sammie lifts her eyebrow. "You don't hear that every day."

"Hey, Mini!" Kenith pats Sammie's head. Mini has been his nickname for her since middle school. When he first met his friend's little sister, he insisted on calling her Mini Alexander. The siblings look incredibly similar, almost like twins. Some may think he came up with that because he couldn't remember her name, and some may be right...

But, he kept up with the nickname and shortened it to Mini.

"Oh, Alexander!" A girl wraps him in her arms from behind, her leg joining the hug as well. "I am so sorry! Maria is in, like, half my classes."

Alexander laughs as he detangles himself. "Coco, it's fine," he chuckles, "you didn't choose to be in class with my ex."

Coco stands in the middle of the growing circle, lip pursed. "You're really not mad at me."

Alexander playfully shoves her shoulder. "No, stop acting all needy."

Coco's pout turns into her usual easy-going, slightly seductive, smile. "You always ruin my fun. Haven't fallen for my act since freshman year."

"Maybe because I actually know you now," Alexander sticks out his tongue.

There is a feminine gasp. "Sammie! Eek!" This time, it is she who is tackled into a hug.

"Taliah!" Sammie spins and hugs her best friend. "It's been forever!"

Forever = 1 week when they went new-school-year shopping and got matching backpacks in different colors.

"We have the same homeroom! Come on, the bell is about to ring." Taliah grabs Sammie's hand and tugs her into the building.

( : ( : [] : ) : )

Hey guys! I just really wanna write all the drama. Not that there was much in this one. I have plans. I am liking them. I will say this isn't going to be a completely trashy drama with teen pregnancies (because I see that as running out of ideas... unless that is literally what the story is about).

Anyway, who is your favorite character so far?

I'm gonna request 5... no, 2 votes for the next chapter. I'm a needy hoe and require motivation to keep this going.

 I'm a needy hoe and require motivation to keep this going

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(Like my play on YouTube outros? I'm so funny, I know).

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