o n e | t w o

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"So, sis, how was the first day back to school?" Alexander asks as he slides into the driver's seat of their shared car. 

Sammie roughly tugs the seat belt around her and huffs. "I still don't understand why you are driving." When the belt clicks into place, she crosses her arms across her chest. "I'm supposed to be dropping you off."

"But I know how to get to Saint John's, and you don't." Alexander turns the engine over and slides into the line of cars leaving school grounds.

"It's not that hard to tell me the directions," Sammie grumbles back.

Alexander shrugs. "When you learn the way, maybe you can drive soon."

"You are so frustrating, do you know that?"

"And you are very complacent." Alexander shoots back. "You also didn't answer my question. How was your first day?"

Sammie buzzes her lips. "I mean, it was the first day. Nothing much to say, really."

"Any cute boooooys?" Alexander smirks at his sister.

Sammie squirms. There is a cute boy, but he does not go to their school, and her brother can not learn about it. "Is there ever?"

"You're right. All boys are dumb. Stay away from them." Alexander turns on the older brother act.

Sammie laughs. "So, are there any cute giiiirls?"

"A gentleman never kisses and tells." He tries to play coy.

"Alexander," Sammie says with a straight face. "You did not kiss anyone at school."

"You will never know."

"No, I do know. You didn't."

"How about you be useful and turn on some music." Alexander ends the conversation. Why do little sisters have to be so annoying?

It is only a few more minutes until the siblings reach Saint John's. While the main school grounds are closed off from the public, the practice fields are open during the school year; Alexander thinks it's because a lot of the athletes have private coaches. He pulls into a spot next to a BMW and a Jeep. 

Saint John's starts a half-hour earlier than Gibson High (Alexander and Sammie's school), so Alexander knows his friend is on the field waiting for him. Zavi and Alexander have been friends since they played on the same pee-wee soccer team ten years ago. Zavi is sure he wouldn't still be playing the sport if it wasn't for his best friend back then; he just wanted to play Pokémon on his Game Boy.

(Side note: did you guys play with GAme Boys or were they DSes? Game BOys were early 2000s... 5 years makes a difference in this)

"Alexander, it was like 3 turns to get here," Sammie starts to unbuckle. "Why was that so hard to tell me where to go?"

Alexander pins her with a playful glare. "Please, we both know that was BS. I just like to be the one to drive." He then opens his door, effectively cutting off Sammie's retort.

Alexander pops the trunk and pulls out his soccer bag. He slams it such, then calls to his sister, "Hey, since you have to get out anyway-" Sammie glares. "-why don't you come say 'hey' to Zavi. It's been months. Gotta make sure you still recognize each other!"

"Alexander, it's been two weeks since he was over at our house."

"Come on!" Alexander runs off.

"Hey, wait! I'm not an athlete!" Sammie runs after her brother. She catches up to him as he is doing a rainbow with the ball Zavi just passed him. "You never gave me the car keys." Sammie calls to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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