Ch-19 Dawn of Despair (The Feast of Flesh, Blood, and Soul)

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(Warning! This chapter contains horror, bloody fountains, graphic violence, torture, people being eaten alive and gore.
Viewer discretion is advised).

With that out of the way, let's get this party started you bloody heathens!

The sky is dark as if the reaper has enveloped it with its welcoming embrace and the clouds glooming over the horizon as if foreshadowing an individual's impending doom. The voice of the forest sings its gentle and eerie lullaby as the wolves howl at the sight of the twin full moons floating in the night sky.

However, everything suddenly became quiet. The silence was broken by the sound of a flying ship zooming above the tree line. The flying ship is also accompanied by a massive golden serpentine shadow as the sound of trees crashing to the ground from the golden serpent's oppressive wake. After they passed, the forest's residents emerge from the darkness as they stare with fear and curiosity. But for the predators of the forest, this is a huge opportunity to join the feast. Then they all walk out as they follow the fresh trail made by the giant golden serpent.

Arawn's POV:

Thanks to my Dynamos, searching for the Imperium Army Third Commander's hidden base was easy as pie. Before we left to head back to Star Eater back in Draconic Valley, I sent one of my Dynamos and my flying squad of Rathalos and Rathian to search for a certain group of warriors who have valuable information. It won't take that long hopefully. Some of my Draconic familiars who have wings are flying beside us as they keep up with the lesser speed of Star Eater. As for the ones who couldn't fly, some of them are onboard on Star Eater much to the uncomfortable display of the Imperium Duo who's keeping a safe distance from the fanged wyverns. Oh come on! They're not that scary! It's just a couple of Odogaron, Ebony Odogaron, Zinogre, and Stygian Zinogre. They'll get over it soon. As for the others who couldn't fit in, they're on the back of Mydas who is slithering right beside us with a enthusiastic glint in his eyes.

Now, back at the current time. I'm cruising towards my desired destination as I formulate several brutal and morbid methods of taking out 10,000 Imperium soldiers. Giving all of their souls to Frostmourne would be counterproductive and their accumulated energy won't raise my stats by a large margin. Imperfect Cell wouldn't mind absorbing them but at the same time, he would come up with the same unsatisfied result as me.

We're half an hour away from our destination but I want to take a look at my current available summons and undead creations and which one would yield the best results. On second thought, I'll take a look at the Gamer's Shop and browse for any Summoning skills that suit today's personal goal.

<Welcome to the Gamer Shop! Welcome back Pizza customer! Here you can buy items, weapons, armor, food, or skills! You have 1 reward that allows you to take one skill from the Gamer Shop for free and 600 Skill Coins!

Note: Skill Coins or SC can be exchanged for certain Skills that cannot be purchased by normal currency!>

After reading that, I quickly tap the filter option and chose Summoning. A few seconds later, a large list of Summoning Skills appear before me!

Wraith Summon. Price: $500

Lich Summon. Price: $1,000.

Headless Calvary Summon. Price $1,500.

Succubus Summon. Price: $2,000.

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