theraputic chain of events (hehehhe)

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a few hours later the whole gang was there. everyone was wasted except sean who was too busy watching the scene unfold. bri was yelling at grace and sam who were making out. alex was lying on imallexxs lap while imallexx made out with james marriott and mya was sitting next to bri. millie and ben were sitting inside drinking and talking about life problems.

sean inched over to mya and put his hand on hers.
"what a scene, hey?" sean said
"mmhmm" mya said.
sean kissed her on the cheek and she blushed.

mean while in the kitchen
millie was lying on the floor while ben stared at her, disappointed.
"what if i died today" millie said "what if i died before the mcr reunion"
"oh shit that's deep" ben said as he lied down next to her "like we won't see frerrard in real life"
"i mean we already missed ryden" millie said
"woah woah woah calm down"'millie replied as she kissed ben on the cheek

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