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they all ran out of the house down to the oval. sean was passed out on a bench half in a body bag.
"alright then lads" said millie "who tried to dispose of sean"
"not us" said ben and alex
"it was me" said someone with their back turned away.
"who-?" asked millie
"me motherfuckers" he turned around, it was ryan.
"no way!" said alex "when did u get here"
"last night, sean let me in then passed out so i put him in my body bag" ryan responded
"oh neat" said millie
"why the fuck are you out here" said imallexx putting his arm around millie
"oh ryan tried to kill sean again" millie responded
"oh neat" said imallexx
"oh btw dan and phil are coming over tonight"
"what" everyone said
"oh yeah they are in aus so yeah since they're my stepdads" said millie
"sure whatever" said ben
ben hated them and they hated ben this was gunna be a terrible few days

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