01| Memory

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The room was quiet. There was only the beeping of the heart monitor and the low hum of the AC in the room.

The brunette in the hospital bed slowly began to wake up. She took a breath and looked around. Where am I, She thought as she sat up. She didn't feel hurt so why was she in the hospital room? She looked at everything attached to her and started pulling it off one by one. Her mind was fogged but after pulling the IV needle out with no sense of pain she came to a realization.

Who am I, she thought, and her heart began to race. She looked around the room as the heart monitor began to flatline now that it was no longer attached. There were no windows only a door. She ran over to it and shook the handle.


Her heart kept beating rapidly and she pulled at the handle again, this time breaking it off. The door opened and she saw two men headed her way on the left so she ran right.

As she ran alarms began to blare as well as red flashing lights. The girl wondered why they were monitoring her as she ran. Was she important? Special? She wasn't sure. She got to the stairs and looked at them. There wasn't enough time to climb them so she jumped. She jumped catching each railing.

She thought that maybe jumping two stories of stairs at a time may not be normal, but here she was doing it, so it couldn't have been that hard.

She climbed down the last flight and was met by a woman in a black suit with bright red hair that would have touched her shoulders if it wasn't curled at the edges. She pointed a gun straight at the brunettes forehead.

"I'm going to have to ask you to stop running." The redhead asked calmly despite having a weapon up. The unknown woman put her hands up in the air in surrender as other people in black showed up with guns as well. What else was she going to do?

"Okay." The brunette responded in Italian despite understanding the English the redhead spoke. Something about French felt more normal.

"You speak Italian?" The redhead questioned in the same language as the brunette.

"Yes." She replied. "And English, Russian, Spanish, French, Korean, and others I think." She spoke looking down confused. "Maybe more."

"Who are you?" The redhead questioned as she put down the gun causing the unknown woman to put her hands down as well.

"I- I'm-" She thought hard. Who was she? She wasn't sure, it couldn't come to her. "I don't know who I am." She answered finally and noticed how the other people put down their guns too. "I don't know who I am or where I am."

"You're at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. "Come on. Let's get you some normal clothes. I'm sure you're confused." The redhead nodded once still speaking in what the brunette believed to be her own native tongue. The alarms turned off and the brunette was happy for the quiet.

"What is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" The brunette questioned as she walked down the hallway to an elevator.

"Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." She answered in English. "Do you understand?" She questioned in Italian.

"Yes but it's a lot of big fancy words." She let out a soft sigh.

"And this is... what? In America?" She asked as the redhead nodded.

They got into a room, this time one with a couch and a table. A TV hung on the wall and there was a lot of open space. She looked to the right and saw a section with a bathroom and a bed through a doorway. This was some sort of sleeping quarters. "Look more comfortable?" The redhead asked.

"Yes. What should I call you?" She questioned.

"I'm Natasha Romanoff. You can call me Nat." She nodded. She thought it may be best to go by formalities, but decided the woman needed a friend, not an Agent babysitter.

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