05| 0075

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"Injecting with serum 4 into number Double-O 75." A man spoke as V tried to calm her breath. She was nervous of taking the serum as the first 3 had killed everyone who had taken it before hand.

She had taken serum before just like the others. The first one made them strong. They called them super humans. V didn't know their intention, but the further along she got the more she realized it wasn't for good.

This new serum was meant to erase or hide DNA that was imperfect. Specific things that could lead to death by sickness or age, they wanted to prevent. The first few people had died horrible deaths. One was completely erased, deteriorated from head to toe until there was nothing left of them. It erased all DNA which meant all life. The next one only lost all of their organs, yet there body remained intact. The next person got through the whole process not losing any parts of them, they just couldn't handle the serum intake and seized right there.

That left their strongest contender for the next successful trial, V, whom they called Double-O 75. Their 75th super serum recipient.

As the needle went into V's vein she immediately felt it take affect. It stung. The serum was meant to basically erase any and all imperfections, and though they were imperfections, they were still a part of her that they were taking away.

She began to groan. She wanted to scream but something inside of her knew not to. She had to stay quiet. She flexed all of her muscles trying to stop the pain from coming but it went and went until eventually it stopped.

Her heart beat fast and she took a breath of relief. She was fine, that was, until the doctors began to speak.

"She's disappearing." She heard as she looked at her feet. Her toes were gone and soon enough so was her legs.

"What's happening? What did you do to me? What did you do!" She yelled at the doctors.

V screamed as she sat up. She was attached to wires, just like in her dream, just like when she first woke up. The difference was this time Steve was siting next to her. Natasha was standing by the door.

"You okay?" The redhead asked as she stepped closer to the bed. V took deep breaths.

"The disappearing. It's from a serum." She looked to Nat as Steve started to sit up. "They modified all the imperfect DNA so that my body wouldn't pick it up. They made the DNA invisible and it ended up-" She looked at Steve before looking at the needles in her arm. "Can I take these out?" She asked him.

"No you need it right now. You lost a lot of blood." Nat told her as she nodded.

"Did you just have a dream about it, about the serum?" He asked.

"Yeah. They called me 0075." She told him.

"Their 75th serum taker?" Nat asked as she nodded.

"But not the disappearing serum, the super serum. The one that makes me strong and fast and-" she didn't finish as she assumed they already understood what she was talking about. "They weren't nice about it, I know that much."

"Someone was after us. Do you think it had to do with the serum?" Steve asked.

"It had to be." She replied. "Who else would send several large men after me? I mean, I don't look threatening unless you know what's running through my veins." She told him.

"It makes sense." Nat spoke. "You got out of wherever you were. Maybe something happened before you lost your memory that makes them want you back." She suggested.

"Yeah." V shook her head rubbing her eyes. "If only I knew what that was." She took a breath.

"You'll figure it out with time." Nat assured. "It seems like you learn more every day."

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