03| Alone

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V had been on her own for a while. Natasha was on a mission, Steve was doing his own thing, and Fury had better things to worry about. The good thing was that they let her roam freely now. She was allowed to use the gym and walk around the facility. She had attempted to go outside one day but an Agent stopped her when the alarm went off.

She wasn't allowed to leave quite yet. She was still someone who needed to be watched. She understood, she just wished she wasn't alone. So she took it upon herself to find one of the three people she knew. When she asked about them she got no answer. The Levels 1-3 didn't have a clue where they were and they were practically shitting themselves whenever she got close. They were scared of her. Levels 4 and up were basically told that it was confidential and they didn't want to get involved. They clearly had better things to deal with. So it was completely up to her.

She spent a lot of time thinking about it. She assumed that they all lived off site, maybe Natasha on site, but she seemed like the type of person who left frequently. She seemed like one of their best agents which meant she probably had the most missions. Fury was allowed on so many different levels that V wasn't even close to having access to go to, so looking for him would be a flop. Not to mention he was a Level 10 so he knew more than anyone else there. It was clear that that wasn't going to work.

All that was left was Steve. She started by staying in the workout room. For the first few days she got absolutely nothing. She assumed he was either on a mission or dead. It was strange though because no one else ever came in the room, not a single agent. She would see some pass by sometimes, but when they saw her they'd leave. She didn't understand why everyone was so scared and honestly it pissed her off. She was alone and trapped.

She stood there punching the bag hoping not to break it when she heard the door open. She looked over and saw him. She was relieved. Finally someone who wasn't running away, and the actual person she was looking for.

"Hi." She commented.

"Hi." He replied. "Remember anything new?"

"Nope not a thing." She answered as she continued punching the bag.

"You're angry?" Steve questioned holding the bag in place. She hit the bag harder.

"Because everyone here treats me like I have 'Do not interact' written across my forehead." She answered punching the bag harder. "And the three people I've talked to haven't talked to me in a week. And to top it off I don't even know anything about this place because I don't even qualify as a Level 1." She added and she punched a hole through the bag. "Damn it."

Steve understood. When he first showed all around him was whispers of 'Captain America.' They of course saw him as some big strong person but they weren't scared. The only difference was that people were happy to see him. He couldn't imagine what V had been put through.

"Seems like you've had a rough week." He looked at her. "I get it though. Them looking at you like you're a threat."

She looked at him confused. "When I came out of the ice, everyone was acting like I was a weapon when I was just confused."

"Yeah it's exactly like that." She told him. "Where have you been by the way?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"It's just that I was under the impression that you were supposed to help me fight. And then you gave me my first real memory and I thought maybe you'd help me remember who I am, but one day you just disappeared." She explained hanging up a new bag. It hurt her more than she was letting on of course.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize that's what you thought was happening." He replied. Steve thought it was a one time thing. He thought it was just a trial run for her. I mean, she beat him so why would she want to go again.

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