06| Razzles

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It wasn't long before V was let out of the medical room. She was happy to be out, but she was also worried. She couldn't stop thinking about the men, and she had reason to. What did they need her for? She wanted to figure out more than anything, but she knew she couldn't leave the building now.

She had been sparing with Nat who clearly wanted to know more about the whole situation. V couldn't help but think it was Natasha's mission to figure it out. She decided not to ask because she honestly didn't want to know.

"It probably has to do with the serum." V took a break grabbing her water.

"Does it freak you out?" Nat asked curiously.

V swallowed her sip. "That I can turn invisible at any second? Hell yeah, terrifying." She told her. "But that's where we are off too next, right? To figure it out?" She asked.

"Yeah we got two of our best scientists to check your DNA for any trace of an explanation." Nat explained as V nodded. They headed to a room where a guy and girl, more on the young side, looked busy at work.

It wasn't long before they had her sit in a chair, a normal one to hopefully freak her out less. They put a contraption on her head that attached to her brain. Something about responses, according to the doctors. The two used too many big words for her to understand. They attached some wires to her arms too and she took a breath nervously.

She didn't like this. It reminded her of those visions, those awful visions. She didn't like to be poked and prodded but here she was. She kept a calm facade despite the inner uncertainty.

"Alright, go ahead." The guy spoke with an Australian accent. V looked at him confused. "You know, turn invisible." He told her as she looked down and back at him.

"I can't just do it." She told him.

"Yeah they said that. Just had to be sure." He answered with a nervous laugh.

"Okay So were going to run some shock tests. Nothing too painful just like static electricity. We're hoping that the shock will urge your body to hide from the shock A.K.A. go invisible." The girl explained with a smile. She spoke in a British accent and it really made V realize how SHIELD had people from all over.

She felt the first zap and it wasn't too bad. Nothing she hadn't felt when brushing someone on accident. They slowly got worse though and she could feel the jolt through her body. The next one she felt to her toes and it made her tense up a little. She noticed how her fingers began disappearing.

"Uh guys?" She asked as they looked at her.

"Full body shock." The guy spoke.

"It makes perfect sense. The molecules react upon an inconvenience." The girl stated.

"What do you mean?" V asked as her body went back to visibility.

"Well the first time it happened was because you were running from someone. Trying to get away. So we tested it with electricity. Your body would eventually want to get away from the shock. It's a camouflage. Since your body knows it can't get away, it decides to hide." The guy told her.

"So I only turn invisible when I'm threatened?" She questioned.

"Well yes, that or when you are in pain... but it shouldn't be hard to learn how to control it." The girl answered. "You just have to convince your body it's being threatened. You make the invisibility like a placebo."

"Okay so I have to trick myself?" She asked as they both nodded. "Well how do I do that?" She asked as they talked to each other using scientific words that V just decided not to even try to understand. She waited for them to explain in simple mans terms.

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