Chapter 13

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Peevish Purchases

"Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping." -Bo Derek

B-r-r-r-ing! B-r-ring!

What the bloody hell?


Almost alert, I sat up in my bed and looked around. Fire? No, I didn't feel hot. Five more minutes. The flames wouldn't be too high by then. I could still get out.


Where was that coming from?


Merlin, that was getting annoying. I was trying to sleep! Why wasn't I ever allowed to just sleep?

B—There! In the corner, an alarm clock! Since when did I have an alarm clock? I thought I had implemented a strict ban on them in my room four Christmases ago. I reached out for my wand, and my fingers fumbled around on my nightstand until they grasped the hard wood. Success!

I pointed my wand at the offending demon clock and muttered a charm to get it to stop. Perhaps I should have Avada Kedavraed it. Anything that woke me up deserved the death penalty, as far as I was concerned. The clock stopped abruptly.

I lowered my wand and then snuggled back into my pillow. Ahh, sleep.

"Lily!" I heard coming shrilly from outside my room. "Get up!"

I groaned. Mum. Honestly, if that woman hadn't gone through the horrible pain of giving birth to me...bleh, stork!

I pulled my covers over my head to get back into the dark where it was nice and quiet and sleepy...


Bloody hell.

I stumbled downstairs and into the kitchen. I needed coffee and perhaps a few less family members. I fingered my wand underneath James's jersey. No, that would be bad. I'd regret it later when I wasn't so tired and grouchy. Still, maybe Tuney...

I looked up at the clock. 7:21 A.M.

Oh, you had got to be bloody killing me!

"Bollocks!" I shrieked as I spun around to go right back upstairs. No way in Merlin's underpants was I going to wake up.

"Lily? Where are you going?" Mum called as she walked into the kitchen.

"Upstairs!" I grumbled as I climbed up the first stair.

"No, you are not. Get back down here, young lady," she said sternly.

I groaned. Mum always meant business when she started with the "young lady" talk. The last time she had used that phrase, I had turned her favorite sweater into a frog-on accident, of course. Sighing at my inevitable demise, I shuffled petulantly back into the kitchen.

"There you are," said Mum as she poured herself some cereal into a bowl.

I pointed at the clock and grunted some sort of response back at her.

"I know it's a tad early, but I had to get going," she replied. Apparently Mum had been taking classes in troll.

"A tad early?" I echoed. "The sun isn't even bloody out yet!" I complained irritably.

Mum rolled her eyes as she munched on her cereal. "Yes, it is. It comes out much earlier than this."

I pulled a chair out from underneath the kitchen table. "Yeah, well," I quipped lamely.

"I have to go into school early today for orientation. The school is having a special day for the newcomers and their parents to get better acquainted with the classroom environment before term actually begins. It doesn't really apply to me, but all the teachers are required to go. I'll probably be able to catch up on some paperwork or maybe set the desks up in the best way. Each year I can never decide what's better: all of the desks facing the front or the students facing each other. I like changing it through the year, but it's always important to get it right the first day. Besides, my little ones usually enjoy the stability. For some reason, changing their desk location is detrimental to their anxiety levels. Maybe this year I should go with groups. I suppose that would help with cooperation, but perhaps that would lead to too much chatter...Hmm, Lily are you paying attention?"

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