Chapter 20

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*A month later*

Brandon's POV~

It's been a whole month since Pete left us. I can't deny that I've missed him deeply. This wasn't how I wanted things to go. My mom hasn't been home as much either. I've just been here in an empty house that used to be filled with laughter and love.

All I've been able to do is rack my brain and see where all this went wrong. Was it in the very beginning?

Can't be.

Was it once we all decided we could have this arrangement?

It's a possibility.

Either way, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. Although, I should be happy I got the time with him that I did. This wouldn't have been able to happen in any other instance. As I was deep in thought, I heard the door open.

I perked up and ran over to the doorway to see who it was. It was Pete. My heart was racing and I didn't know what to say or do. So I decided to just start with the basics.

"H- hey." I said.

"Hi." He mumbled and took off his shoes.

"How- how have you been?" I asked loosely following behind him.

He didn't respond.

"Are you-"

"Look I've only come here to get my stuff. I got an apartment and I'm moving out." He said going into his and my mom's bedroom.

I was in shock. "Wait- wait but what about us? What about you and my mom? Why can't we just talk about this?"

"Me and hour mom are getting a divorce. She found a new guy and she fell in love with him. I don't want to live her with her being with someone else." He spoke then got quiet for a second and chuckled.

"What's so funny and what about us? You didn't answer that?" I asked.

"What's funny is that I realized what I put her through. It's really ironic really." He paused laughing. "And as for us. I don't know what to tell you honestly. Part of me wouldn't feel right dating you and your her son. But a part of me also really fell in love with the both of you."

I was dumbfounded and couldn't find the words at first.

"Wait a second. Are you kidding me? That wasn't a problem for you before. Why all of a sudden it is now?"

"Because at first I was only thinking about myself and my wants. I didn't consider how it would be for your mom. Or for you. I was being selfish. But in this time apart I truly understood where I went wrong." He sat on the bed.

"But- but- what the fuck Peter?!" I yelled.

In that moment I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces. I saw the time we spent together flashing before me. Tears started to well up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm now realizing this Brandon. I- I truly don't know what to say." He said.

"How about say you'll be with me? How about you say you love me and never want to lose me? How about anything but what you are saying?" I yelled tears streaming down my face.

"Brandon. Come sit down." He reached out for my hand.

I turned away from him. "No screw you!" I cried into my hands. As I stood there crying, I felt his hands on my shoulders.

"Brandon. You know I don't like to see you crying." He said softly.

"How when you did this to me?!" I yelled. My heart was truly breaking.

"Brandon. I didn't mean to hurt you. Nor your mom. I wanted all of us to be happy. But I was being selfish and wanted my cake and to eat it too." He began. "Brandon. Eventually you'll understand where I'm coming from. Eventually you'll see what we did here was wrong. For all parties involved. We knew we should've have been in a relationship."

I couldn't help but start to think back to my previous thoughts from before he came. He was right. How we went about this was all wrong. We shouldn't have even started anything between us.

After a few minutes I was finally able to stop crying. I dried my eyes. "Maybe you're right. This all started so wrong." I finally sat down and started thinking.


"Wait hold the fuck up! This isn't my fault at all. This is all you. I was happy with Donny. You're the one that ruined that for me! You're the one that came into me." I scoffed.

He remained speechless. I got up from the bed and started pacing. I started to hate him. I started to hate myself. I started to feel horrible for Donny.

"Oh Donny." I sigh putting my face in my hands.

"All I can think of to say is I'm sorry. This is why I'm where I'm at now. I don't think we should be together. Nor should I be with your mom. Which is why we're getting a divorce." He finally said.

"Yeah well you should be." I was feeling overwhelmed with emotions and just needed to be by myself.

"If it makes anything better. I loved you both. Deeply." He said.

"Yeah well you should've loved us enough to not suggest a thruple. Let alone marrying my mom." I walked out and went into my room slamming the door.

I couldn't do anything but cry.


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