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Laughing Jack's POV

I paced back and forth in the nursery with E.J, Puppeteer, Ms. P, Jane and Herobrine. Slender, Jeff and DL had gone to get Doctor Smiley so he could take a better look at Sarah's weird little ropie thingys.

I looked at Tyler who was still asleep on the cold operating table. I started to hum 'Pop Goes The Weasel' to calm me down and E.J started to hum/sing a song in... what is that? Spanish?

"Will you please both stop! Your songs don't go well together." Ms.P said. I stopped pacing and humming. E.J continued to sing the weird song in Spanish.

I found it quite amusing.

"Whacha singing Jackie?" I said facing him. "Its a song Sarah would sing to calm herself down." He said then continued to hum. "Wait so she's Spanish?" I said scratching my head. "Its French. And no, just one of her foster family's was French." E.J said not looking at me.

I heard rustling from behind me and I turned and saw Tyler sitting up and glaring at me.

"Where am I? Who are you?" She said showing her sharp teeth. "You don't remember?" I said getting closer. She shook her head slightly but then grinned. "I remember slaughtering that school though!" Then she began to laugh like a mad woman!

Why was this a turn-on?

"Who are you?" Ms. P said.

"I'm Mad Laughter! Who da fuck are you?"

"I'm M. P."

Puppeteer stepped forward and bowed. "I am Puppeteer. Very nice to meet you, Mad Laughter..." She nodded then tried to stand up. She wobbled but then got a grip. "Alrighty... I'll be off now. Nice meating yall..." She started for the door, but I stopped her, she growled at me. "What!"

"We want you to stay~" I said.

"That's great! And I want 10,000 dollars and a mansion!" She said in a sarcastic tone.

I looked over at Puppeteer and raised an eyebrow. He sighed and shot his glowing strings at Tyler, wrapping her up. She hissed and spat at him but continued to wrap her up. He stopped after a while and she sat on the floor trying to wrestle the ropes off. She would scream in frustration and swear, it was quite amusing, but what was concerning was if she could never remember me...

My heart shattered.

What if she never remembers me! What if she never goes back to normal? What if she falls for someone else?!

I was snapped out of my trance by the door opening and Slender came rushing in with Jeff, DL and Dr. Smiley.

"God damn it Jeff! I told you not to kill that human! We almost got caught!" Slender was yelling.

"Caught?" Jeff scoffed. "I could have just killed the god damn cops!"

"Still, it was in a park."

"She said I was ugly!"

"It dosen't matter!"

"Yes it dose! I am Beaut-"

"STOP!!" I screamed. The room went quiet, even Tyler shut up. I straightened up and pointed at Tyler. "She's up." Slender nodded and walked over to Tyler while Doc. went over to Sarah. Slender bent down to Tyler, she growled and narrowed her eyes. "Child, I'm here to help you."

"Help? Ehehe...eh. Im perfect! WHY do I need help?" She said. Jeff chuckled "I like this girl." I growled at him. Tyler shot a glare at Jeff then went back to glaring at Slender. "Child I' going to try something." I heard Slender say. He reched forward then jumped back and yelled. "AHH WHAT THE FUCK?! SHE BIT ME!!!!" He cursed.

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