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A/N: Above is the video that inspired this story. Hope you enjoy! And sorry if it seems a bit rushed. Also, there may not be descriptions of Pokemon battles in this book. If you would like to know, I absolutely suck at writing Pokemon battles.


"Where are we heading next?" The cute, bubbly blonde named Bonnie asked Ash excitedly, hanging onto his arm. Ash smiled down at her in a very brotherly way.

"We'll see!" he said, playfully ruffling her hair.

Clemont simply glared at his sister and said, "Be patient, Bonnie!"

Serena stayed quiet. Usually, she didn't really talk much during their journeys. Serena had the biggest crush on Ash, but she couldn't possibly bring herself to tell him - and the honey blonde knew that he was too dense for his own good, so he wouldn't be able to figure it out by himself. 

"Serena?" Ash asked his friend worriedly.

Serena snapped out of her thoughts. "W-What?" 

"Are you okay? You've been really quiet this whole time." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Actually, you're always quiet! Why don't you talk a little more?"

Why don't you get it Ash? I can't. If I do I'll just embarrass myself in front of you.

"U-Umm, a-actually I think I need to g-go to the bathroom..." Serena whispered, her cheeks red.

"Really?" Ash said. "You could've just said so! Well, we'll wait for you then!"

Relieved to finally be able to pay attention to herself, Serena ran off. She found the nearest bathroom and locked herself inside a cubicle. "That was so nerve-wracking..."

Serena thought. Why didn't she have the courage to tell Ash how she really felt?

Maybe because I'm afraid I'll get rejected. Because he is more interested in Pokemon than in girls right now.

After about ten minutes, she got out. Running out of the bathroom, she wasn't looking where she was going, and crashed into two girls, landing on her bum. One had brown eyes, dark skin and indigo hair in the strangest hairstyle. The other had long dark blue hair - in a normal style - and gorgeous dark blue eyes.

"We're so sorry!" the bluenette apologised to the blonde.

Serena nodded. "It's okay." She got herself up and dusted her clothes.

The weird indigo haired girl smiled at Serena. "Hi, what's your name?"

"I'm Serena Yvonne from Vaniville Town. What about you two? What are your names?"

The girl shook Serena's hand. "I'm Iris, and this-" she pointed to the blue hair girl - "is Dawn, my friend. I'm from Unova, and Dawn's from Sinnoh. We came here to see our old travelling companion, Ash Ketchum!"

Serena blinked. "Wait... you know Ash?"

Dawn beamed. "Yeah! We travelled with him before! Do you know him?"

"Y-Yeah... he's actually right there! I'm his current travelling companion!"

Dawn and Iris turned around. They saw Ash, Clemont and Bonnie... with two other of their friends, two girls. Iris and Serena were unfamiliar with these girls, and Dawn recognised one of them. "May!" she screamed, delighted.

May, the brunette with blue eyes, dropped all her things and ran over to hug Dawn. "Dawn! It's so good to see you!"

"Who's that?" Dawn, Iris and Serena all said at the same time, pointing to the girl beside Ash, with sea-green eyes and orange hair in a cute side ponytail.

Reunion Of the PokeGirls (An Amourshipping Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin