An Unexpected Arrival

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To all of you who actually liked this fic: sorry I didn't update, I left the laptop at home for my holidays, and I was also stuck for ideas... but I'm glad that this is actually liked xD


"Jeez, all this is harder than I thought," Serena sighed. She was with all the PokeGirls except Misty, of course. She'd gone off somewhere, presumably with Ash, which made Serena jealous. It looked like Misty was winning this war.

Dawn patted her shoulder. "No need to worry!" she reassured the honey blonde. "You'll win his heart in no time."

May looked thoughtful, and if truth be told, a little worried and disbelieving. "I'm not really sure," she remarked. "When I was travelling with Ash, Misty and the others, I always noticed that Ash liked Misty. Even before she returned, he talked a lot about her to me, Brock and Max."

"You're actually right," Dawn said. "Ash was so possessive of Misty's present, he let no one touch it, not even me, his bestie."

"Guys, stop it!" Iris interrupted. "You're only making Serena feel worse!"

Serena certainly looked down in the dumps. But then, they suddenly heard a voice. "Hey, May!"

" that Ash?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah," May said, "I wonder what he wants?"

She stood up and walked over to Ash. Then fell down again, only for Iris to catch her just in time. "Oh my God..." May whispered, "Oh, my, God..."

Right beside Ash was an old green haired friend of hers, grinning. "Did you forget about me?"

"Wait a second..." Dawn put two and two together. "ARE YOU DREW?"

"Who's Drew?" Iris, Serena and Bonnie all said together, once they looked at Drew. Drew only gave his signature smile before saying, "I'm Drew, May's crush."

"S-Shut up, you baka!" May stammered, clearly flustered.

Dawn playfully punched her shoulder. "Ooooh~ is this the Drew you were always talking about?" she teased the brunette, causing her blush to intensify.

Drew put a hand to his heart. "May talks about me?" he asked the bluenette, to which she nodded eagerly. "Oh my. I'm flattered."

"So May likes you?" Bonnie asked innocently. "Awww! That's so cute!"

Drew bent down to ruffle Bonnie's blonde hair. "Yeah. And someday, me and May will be a thing."

"Bonnie!" Clemont scolded, "don't ask questions like that!"

"Leave her be," Drew said to the inventor. "She's cute. But not as cute as May."

"SHUT UP!" May screamed. Everyone else, excluding Clemont and Drew, smirked. Iris was fangirling, while both Misty and Serena were hoping Ash would say similar things to them.

"Let's go eat!" Ash declared. Everyone facepalmed. 

"He loves food so much he might as well marry them," Iris muttered, making Misty and Serena choke on their own spit and yell simultaneously, "WHAT?"

"What?" Ash asked, confused.

"N-Nothing..." Misty and Serena mumbled, but not before glaring at each other. 

Nobody noticed that May had unconsciously grabbed Drew's hand and walked side by side with him. Only Drew did, and he smiled to himself. He wasn't even blushing.


I hope y'all found it okay that I added Drew in it! Who knows, Kenny might appear next... or Cilan... or maybe even... Okok, I'll stop now.

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