The "Date"

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Sorry for the updating time! I didn't get a chance to snatch the laptop for a looong time and I'm really sorry about that. School also started last week. So here's the famous amourshipping date scene, with just some teeny changes. Enjoy!


"Ughhh!" Ash groaned, "I can't find a gift for my Pokemon!!!"

"Ash?" a voice said. It was Serena, looking curiously at the boy. Ash looked up at her, and smiled, albeit weakly. "Oh, hey, Serena. Did you want something from me?"

Serena's cheeks turned a little bit pink. "Oh... Uh... no! It's just that I heard you talking about buying gifts for your Pokemon... what is it for?"

"Well... it is nearly Christmas... (A/N: even though it isn't where I am) and my Pokemon have been really really good so I want to get them a special gift!"

Serena pondered for a moment. If Ash wants a special gift for his Pokemon then why don't I help him. He would appreciate and notice me a lot more!!! "Hey why don't I help you??" she asked. "I'm an expert on presents!" No I'm not. But he might trust me more if I say that.

Ash's chocolate eyes widened, then shined like stars. "Really? You'd do that?" He grinned. "Thanks a lot Serena, you're the best!!"

Serena blushed. "Y-Yeah... a-anytime Ash!"

The two got ready to go. As Serena and Ash got out, they bumped into Misty, who was strolling peacefully. She looked at Serena, then Ash. Her lips curled into a smile, but Serena saw jealousy and anger in her ocean green eyes. Ash, though, being the oblivious kid he was, only saw her eyes anyway.

"Hey Misty!" Ash said, happily. "Where are you going?"

Misty smiled at him. "Oh, hey Ash!" Ignoring Serena. "I'm going to the Pokemon center. I want to speak to Nurse Joy about something."

"Really?" Ash asked. "Oh well, I guess me and Serena had better get going..."

"Oh, no!" Misty said before he could walk away. She grabbed his arm. "Don't you wanna come with me? I feel a little... scared on my own..." She made eye contact with Serena as she said this. Serena realised Misty wasn't actually afraid; she was just using that as an excuse to get Ash to come with her to the store. Oh hell no bitch. She thought. Serena grabbed Ash's other arm.

"Sorry, Misty, but Ash and I are going to buy something for his Pokemon," she said coolly. "You can go to the center yourself. Besides, I doubt you're afraid." Serena had said this very smoothly, but to Ash she was just stating the facts.

He added in, "Yeah, Misty. Besides, I've known you for so long. There's no Bug-types here, I promise."

Misty pouted. "All right..."

She walked away, but not before glaring for a split second at Serena, who only smiled innocently. 


"Hey, Serena, whaddaya think of this?!"

"Uh... too plain..."

"What about this cute hat?"

"It's a bit big..."



Ash was getting a tad bit annoyed when Serena insisted on buying something else. But he felt as if she knew her stuff, so he decided to keep quiet and trust her. Serena, on the other hand, was getting really annoyed at Ash since he had a tendency for picking the most impractical and let's say, dumb gifts. He really is stupid. But it's cute...

"Ugh!" Ash said. He slumped down against a wall. "I'll never find the perfect present!"

Serena thought for a while. "Hmm... Ash, imagine you're buying a present for yourself."


"Listen to me. Your Pokemon are so much like you. If you buy yourself a nice big gift, you can give it to them! They're bound to love it!"

Ash grinned. "That's a great idea!" He took a huge tin. "Berries!"

Serena smiled. Finally he's being realistic...

As they walked away from the store, something caught Ash's eye. "Wait there," he said to Serena, then ran over to it. 


"Here ya go!" Ash said, dropping the Berries in front of his Pokemon. "This is for being your very best! Dig in!"

From a distance, Serena, May, Dawn, Iris and Bonnie were watching him. "Aww!" May cooed. "Serena, I really think-"

"Hey, Serena!" Ash called out. Serena turned to him. Iris nudged her, and she quickly replied, "Y-Yeah?"


"Eeee!!" Dawn squealed quietly.

Serena had a huge blush on her face, but she walked over to him anyway. "What is it, Ash?"

In response, Ash handed her a little yellow box. Curious, Serena opened it. It was a beautiful blue ribbon. She was pleasantly surprised. "Ash! Did you get this?"

"Yeah," Ash said, nervously. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" She resisted the urge to throw her arms around him. "Thank you!"

May, Bonnie and Dawn were fangirling, and Iris was struggling to keep a smile off her face. Clemont and Drew were also smiling - plus the Pokemon. Only Misty was scowling.

"It's nothing really..."

That night, Serena went to sleep feeling very happy indeed. 


Help!!! I'm running out of ideas! 

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