Chapter ten

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Gajeel looked at me with a blank but yet a shocked face. "You're... pregnant..?" He said somewhat shocked. I sat there shyly waiting. "G-Gajeel... I know we're not married but please don't leave me because of this." I said nervously. "Y-Y/N.... I.. I fucking love you so much and this baby!!" Gajeel said loudly while hugging me tightly. I was surprised by his reaction to my pregnancy but at least he's happy. "G-G-Gajeel....." "Yes Y/N?" Gajeel said happily. "I-I c-c-can't breathe...!" I said needing to breathe. Gajeel then let me go quickly and scratch the back of his head. "Sorry short stuff." He said nervously. "It's okay.." I said while trying to breathe. After I could breathe I looked at Gajeel and he looked like he was there thinking about something. "What are you thinking now Gajeel?~" I said while putting one of Gajeel's shirts on. "That must of been why you've smelled different for the last two months." Gajeel said while looking down at me. I was shocked that dragon Slayers could tell. Wait... so does that mean the whole guild knows! "W-wait.. but I thought I was maybe a week in.. and I-I've been pregnant for two months.! So does that mean Natsu and Wendy knows too!" I said loudly. Gajeel just shrugged and smiled. "Well maybe... I mean I don't know if us dragons can smell if another dragons mate is pregnant or not.. at least not that I can remember." Gajeel said laying his back up against the beds head bored. I laid back on the bed trying to calm down. Natsu knowing him he could of told everyone and that would mess up my plans. What surprised me for a second was that Gajeel placed his hand gently on my stomach trying to feel the baby. I softly blushed and smiled. I placed my hand over he's and looked at him. "It's okay, you don't have to be nervous. If you wanted to tell the guild about the baby soon and they already know because of Natsu then I'll kick his ass for ya babe." Gajeel said with a smirk at the end. I smiled brightly at him, I'm happy he's the father of our baby. Later after sitting in bed feeling the baby Gajeel and I fell into the deep slumber.

The girl who loved the Dragon(Gajeel x Reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now