Get some sleep

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You woke up and was sick. You got up and rushed to the bathroom, you felt like vomiting but then you didn't have to.

You just lost your best friend and then on top of that your crush knows you used to self harm.
What were you gonna do?! You were silently freaking out, would Jared want nothing to do with you now?... or would he see you as a freak who gets bashed by their best friend?

All these question were running through your head so you turned on the sink and splashed cold water on your face and dried off.

It didn't help like you wanted it too so now you were having a panic attack once again.

You slid down in between the toilet and the sink and pulled your legs up to your chest, you rested your head on your knees and started to sob as quietly as you could.

You body shook and you were crying so hard you didn't hear Jared quietly open the door and come kneel down by you.

"I'm going to pick you up ok?" You nodded through tears and let him pick you up like you were nothing and carry you back to the bed.

You noticed Jensen was sleeping on the couch and felt horrible. You curled up in Jared's arms and you felt him put you down on the bed and cover you up.

He got in beside you and scooted you close to him. Why?... didn't he know you self harmed and hated yourself. You couldn't even keep a boyfriend or your friend for that matter?!.

You curled up in the blanket and your pillow when you felt a hand on your back and start rubbing it in soothing circles "your ok I'm here and I'm not leaving, it's not hard to tell what your thinking because I used to think the exact same thing"

You peeked through the blanket and pillow and looked at him questionably "ask me tomorrow and I'll tell you everything but it's 2:00am and I know for a fact Jensen is gonna freak if we wake him up and i know you need some rest" Jared said gently.

You nodded and scooted closer to him, your mind still spinning, did he used to self harm?.. was he depressed or had a bad past that no one knew about?..

"(Y/n) shut that mind off of yours and go to sleep, please for me, I can still hear the gears running" he chuckled.

You looked up and smiled apologetic and he smiled back, you closed your eyes and moved to where your head was curled into his chest and you breathed in and out letting his scent calm your mind until you were fast asleep in his arms.
I know this chapter is really short but I haven't updated in a while and I'm so sorry :(

But hey I'm back to updating now :) it would be longer but it's like 4:00am right now and I should probably get to bed so I hope you loves like it and I will update as soon as I can ;)

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