Day 2 tuesday

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I wake up at 6:00 i get out of bed,yawn and strech then I grab my phone. I use the bathroom then I go downstairs and see that i'm the only one up. So i go to the fridge and grab the milk then i grab the fruity pebbles and i grab a plat and a spoon and have fruity pebbles on a plate with milk. I know it sounds weird having cereal on a plate but trust me it's better because if you have it on a plate with a little milk the cereal is not under all the milk so it won't get all soggy just trust me it's better. when i finish that i go back to the room and i go on instagram and look for a little while. When i look at the time i say ''oh shit it's 7:30'' then i wake up peyton and tell her the time she starts freaking out so she goes to get ready. So i have to go wake every body else up. I hurry and go wake up brooke then she wakes up sarah and they go get ready. Then i go to the boys floor and go in mavs room i shake his shoulder but he doesn't wake up so i go to their bathroom and get a cup of water (don't ask me why they had a random cup in their bathroom thats none of my buissness) and i pour it on all three of them and they all wake up so fast josh says ''what the hell'' mav says ''what was that for'' i don't even say anything i just show him the time then i run off to cashes room to wake them up. When i get in there i see that mychael is already awake i ask him ''can you wake up cash please'' he says ''sure'' i say ''thank god'' then i run back to my room and i see pey brushing her hair already dressed she says ''the boys decided that today was the day we are all going to be matching '' ''ok i'n down for that thank's for getting my outfit ready for me we all over slept now were going to be late because of traffic'' i said while i got dressed.(if your wondering yes they all took showers)the outfit she chose was just a simple outfit the shirt was a red shirt with yellow,orange,white and pink flowers on it. The pants were just light blue jeans and the shoes were plain white nike shoes. Oh yeah i almost forgot we had red and orange lays to wear so we all wore them. The only thing that was different was the boys shirts were button all the way up shirts kinda like those flanel shirts that you can wear over another shirt except it was the flower pattern and they had no shirt on under it but it was buttoned all the way except for the top three buttons.(wow i said shirt alot) Then i just wet my hair in the sink and drain it with a towl then i just put it in a tight but. For my makeup i did no makeup because when we get back here i want to swim and of course out of all the things i left my waterproof makeup at home and i dont feel like taking it off when i get back to this house. We all went down stairs and we split in to two groups so we can drive. Oh yeah i also forgot to say that pey and calub's dad jason is here to shaperone us even tho mav is a legal adult but whatever. So my group was jason was our driver and then it was me,pey and guess who SARAH. Jason picked our groups but then cash insisted that he should be in our group so he could be the second shaperone so jason let him in our group ant when he was walking over to our group he smiled at me and so what did i do i blushed and smiled back at him like any other girl would do. So now in my group was me,cash,pey,sarah and jason as the driver. The other group was mychael,brooke,caleb,josh and mav as the driver. We walked in the garage and we were met with these two shiny white closed in jeeps. So jason got in the drivers seat and we all wanted to sit in the back seat so we did. I went in first then cash went beside me then sarah was about to go in next to cash but the pey pushed her out the way and sat next to cash. then her dad said ''peyton why did you do that'' she said ''what it wasn't on perpose i tripped then ran in to her and boom i was in front of the door'' me and cash were just trying to hold in our laughs. When sarah finaly got in the car we left the house at 8:30 with the others behind us. I couldn't lock the doors from the back seat and we were so squished in the backseat that i was scared i was going to fall out the car because it was like one of those exspensive jeeps that have the push open doors and i was scared so i keep scooting over closer to cash. He looks down at me and says ''whats wrong'' ''i'm freaking scared i'm gonna fall out the jeep'' then he puts his arm around me and says ''don't worry i won't let nothing happen to you ever'' i could feel me face growing hot and i knew i was blushing so i look down at my lap and say ''thanks cash that means alot to me'' ''your welcome''. About ten minutes later i look up and he is asleep. Then i get a text from peyton and it says................


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