Waking up/introductions

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I heard a ringing sound in my ear as I sat up. Something must've hit me in the head hard, because pain and bright spots as I woke up. I didn't know what happened or who I was. All I knew was that I was in a small room. The sound of ocean waves filled my ears. I got off the bed and tried to walk even though I knew I'd probably faint. I looked out a small window and saw the boat was heading towards a familiar place.

Camp Wawanakwa

I tried remember where I've heard the name. My memories betrayed me and couldn't bring up anything. I limped confused and in pain. Suddenly, someone was knocking at the door. I hadn't even noticed it. I walked towards it and opened it. I was shocked by what I saw. A huge black man in a cooks outfit. He looked kind of scary but maybe I was judging him to quickly. "Get out here maggot. We've got stuff to do."

Maybe I spoke to soon. I was dragged off the boat. I was stunned as I took in the environment. We were at a camp? The man pushed me onto a dock and into a big blonde man with an maple leaf on his shirt.

"And this is (y/n) her ultimate talent is unknown." I heard the familiar voice of Chris McClain. My mom was a fan of some of his movies but I thought they were terrible. I looked at a couple of teens who were all looking at me. What I didn't notice was the small bear. I screamed when I realized the bear was Chris McClain. "I'll see you all around 12."

Isn't anyone going to explain what's going on. I looked at the chaos on the dock. It didn't seem anyone noticed me or cared. I swore I heard screaming from the ocean and saw some sort of bubble but I must've been hallucinating.

"What the diddly duck is happening here." I screamed. A boy with a Mohawk smirked and laughed a bit. A tall Asian with long black hair looked annoyed. I noticed he was bothering her earlier.

I was quickly tapped on the shoulder and turned towards a blonde girl with lovely blue eyes. "Oh no your aura is messed up."

A big black women came towards me. "Sister don't worry we'll explain later." I saw the Asian mock her to a blonde in a fashionable outfit. I heard her say something about a nappy weave and suddenly the friendly girl who just spoke to me dodged at the Asian. A mysterious Mexican male who was just talking to a ton of girls broke in between them.

"Ladies ladies, calm down. I don't want you to hurt your beautiful faces." The black lady suddenly seemed to swoon. The asian didn't seem to like the man.

I noticed a orange haired boy frown. He seemed super nerdy and kind of weird.The scary boy with a Mohawk up behind him and gave him a wedgie.  I watched in horror. A bookworm laughed along with a short brown haired boy. I watched as the delinquent turned around and gave them death stares. They both ran away.

The short blonde from earlier came back up to me. "I see.... So you're not good at making friends and you have no idea who any of these people are." What the fuck is this girl. "My name is Dawn and I'm the ultimate aura reader.  Would you like to come with me to meet some people?" I didn't even have a chance to speak before the cute girl grabbed my hand and we began to walk around.

We first approached a guy eating dirt. He was kind scrawny and had orange hair. I don't know why Dawn wanted to meet him first. Out of a trash can came an odd looking boy with a beanie on his head and sweatpants. Another boy, the one who got wedgied peaked out the trash can.

"And that's how you get in a healthy meal." The scrawny kid grinned at the boys not noticing us.

Trash can kid turned towards us. "Hey have any of you seen Duncan. I'm not scared I can probably defeat him with my ninja skills. I just don't want to end up like bubble boy." The other boys noticed us for the first time. Beanie boy stood up and dusted himself. The other boy still had dirt on his face and grinned through his teeth. They were filthy.

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