Sail away- Carson

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Trigger Warning: Death of a character

Kara & Mike met in highschool during their senior year. They started dating when they were 18 and got married at age 24. Then three years later, they had their twins Charles and Melissa. Before Charles and Melissa were born, Kara had a little cousin named Carson, who she took under her care. He was one of the last living relatives that she knew that she had that contained the Zor-El name. He was 12 years old when he drowned. Due to Mike's carelessness. But because nobody truly knew Mike was getting drunk while the young boy was in the pool, no one was arrested. It wasn't until three years later when Charles and Melissa were almost born that Mike confessed he wasn't watching Carson when he drowned. Kara was livid, she was angry. She married a man who allowed himself to get so wasted, her cousin died. Still, there was something about Mike's charm that made her continue to go back to him. Despite him being part of the problem.

The other thing was, she didn't know the whole truth as to what caused Carson to drown. She just knew the bits Mike told her. It turns out, one of Mike's sober friends, saw Carson drowning once he arrived to their house & jumped into to save him. He was barely alive but sadly he passed away. Mike's sober friend TRIED to save him & Mike himself told himself he'd get better after a child drowned basically on HIS watch. He went to get his problems fixed, but nothing worked. After finding out his wife was pregnant, he fixed himself up fast, but it didn't last for long. Kara knew he had a problem & she worked so hard every time to stay with him as he tried to fix is troubles with drinking. Mike didn't have a drinking problem because he only gets like this with his friends, bad under the influence of his former college buddies. Kara believed he could change & he proved to her he did. Right up until his twins were old enough to go to school and he got fired from his job.

Carson. He was one of the last aliens & family she had on Krpyton. She knew of Clark/Kal El but at this point, she didn't know where he was. She found Carson when an attack on aliens happened at his school. Kara was never supergirl. She never became supergirl after coming to Earth because there was somebody already there. Her name was Power Girl. Named Karen Starr. Carson managed to heal himself after drowning but he was barely breathing due to himself being so young, causing him to pass. Kara, upon learning that Mike was not alone, responsible for it because he had warned Carson not to go in the water and Carson being stubborn still did, learned that Mike was still the man she loved. At least, that's what she convinced herself. Mike from this point of their life, changed himself. He hid the truth & changed himself for the better. That's what Kara repeated in her head. After she stopped fully blaming him. She still felt heated at times when he brings up Carson. Because she also blames herself for being so caught up in her work that she asked Mike the one day he had guy day, to open the pool and watch Carson.

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