Luthor meets Super.

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The morning after Kara told Mike she wanted a divorce, she decided to  take the twins to the park that was in driving distance from their  house. It was nice out due to it being spring time, and she decided she  needed to clear her head.  She got the kids ready, they got into the car  and drove to the park.

"Mommy, where did daddy go?" Charles  asked curiously. Kara felt her heart sink. She knew divorcing Mike was  going to be difficult on all of them, including her because a piece of  her still loves the man he once was, but she also knew if Mike was going  to be irresponsible, her twins and this new baby might not be in good  hands.

"um, Charlie, mommy and daddy had a fight. Daddy's going to be somewhere else for a while" she explained to him.

"Does  daddy not love us anymore?" Melissa asked. She sounded sad. Kara turned  her head to see her blonde haired little girl with big brown eyes. Both  twins had blonde hair but Melissa inherited Mike's eyes.

"No sweetie, of course daddy loves you. You're his princess" Kara replied.

"Do you not love daddy?" Melissa asked again. Kara took a deep breath.

"How about this, sweetheart. How about we play at the park and mommy will answer all your questions later. okay?" Kara asked.

"Okay." Melissa replied. Kara parked the car and then unbuckled the twins from their car seat and set them down on the ground.

"Don't  go far now!" She called as she watched the twins run to the playground.  She went to the trunk and got a ball. Charles was fascinated with  playing catch. She shut the trunk and locked her car.

"Here you  go Charlie" Kara said once she got to Charles. She handed him the ball,  which he ever so excitedly bounced. He bounced it so high, it bounced  away and rolled to the feet of a woman.

Charles ran to the ball  and picked it up. He looked up to the woman, who he became interested  in, for she had the prettiest green eyes,  she was walking her dog. She  smiled at him.

"Sorry about that miss. my ball is very fast" Charles told. The lady chuckled.

"It's quite alright. hun" She replied. Kara ran over.

"Charlie, are you bothering this nice lady?" Kara asked him.

"No,  no. He is adorable," she replied. Kara looked at the lady and her jaw  dropped. She was stunning. She had such a particular look to her that made  Kara fall nearly head over heels right away.

"Why thank you" Kara replied, chuckling and ruffling Charles' blonde hair. Melissa ran over.

"Hi, I'm Melissa. Charlie's twin" she said excitedly.

"Nice to meet you Melissa" The lady replied with a light hearted chuckle., she bent down and put her hand out, "I'm Lena"

She stood back up and offered a hand to Kara.

"I'm Lena, Lena Luthor" Lena told her.

"Kara  Danvers" Kara replied, shaking her hand, 'might as well go back to  Danvers..' Kara thought. "Lena Luthor, as in THE Lena Luthor?" She  asked. Lena responded with a nod.

"Your twins are adorable. How old are they?" Lena asked.

"They're almost six, and this one," Kara said, pointing to her stomach, "is 7 months old in my belly"

"oh well congratulations Miss. Danvers.. it is Miss, correct? I don't mean to intrude, we'd only just met" Lena asked.

"Ah no worries, yes, it is" She replied.

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