Chapter 2

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Ryans POV

I woke up and got dressed. I did my hair and makeup and grabbed my stuff to go over to sams. My brother is out with my parents so I didnt have to watch him. I walked next door and rang the doorbell.

A tall dark haired boy answered the door. "Hi is sam here?" I asked. "Yeah are you Ryan?" he asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Oh ya hes upstairs come

on in." He said. I walked inside and asked what his name was. "Im Kian." he replied. Kian showed me to sams room and I knocked on his door.

"Come in." Sam shouted. I walked inside and said "hey." "hey im almost done setting up." he said setting up his camera. "Ok so what video are we going to make?" I asked walking over to his bed. "Whisper challenge." he said sitting next to me. He told me the rules and we began filming.

Sam said hey and did his usual intro and then introduced me. "This is my new friend Ryan." he said pointing to me. "Hey." I said and waved to the camera.

Sam looked at the tweets on his phone of what to say during the whisper challenge. I put the headphones on and he turned the music on really loud so I couldnt hear anything else.

Sams POV

I looked at my phone to make it seem like thats were my question was from. "Do you like me?" I asked. I was really scared because I know we just met but I think I like her more than a friend. "What?" she screamed laughing. "Do you like me?" I said slowly. "Yes." she replied smiling. I started blushing but it was unnoticable cause of my naturally red cheeks.

It was my turn so I put my headphones on. She mouthed something to me but I was too distracted to notice what she was saying. Her lips looked so soft and perfect. I couldn't help myself and kissed her. She didn't resist at first but then she pulled away. She looked shocked.

We finished the video amd turned off the camera. "why did you do that?" she asked looking at the ground. "You said you liked me so I took my chance." I said. "I never said I liked you." she said confused. "I asked you do you like me and you said yes." I said getting nervous. "Thats what you said? I thought you said Do you like cats..." She replied. I'm so stupid. I should of known she doesnt like me like that. "Oh.. Uh Im sorry I kissed you then..." I said awkwardly. "Dont be sorry." she said and kissed me. "What was that?" I asked confused. "Well just because I never said I liked you doesnt mean I dont." she said. I smiled like an idiot and didnt say anything.

Ryans POV

Why did I just say that? I mean I do like him, at least I think I do. "So.." I said breaking the silence. "Uh do you want to meet the other guys?" he said getting up. "Yeah sure." I replied following him.

We went down stairs and there were 3 guys in the living room and 2 in the kitchen. We went into the kitchen first and Sam introduced me. "Hey im Ricky." one of them said. "Im Jc."the other one said. We talked for a few minutes and then went to the living room.

Sam introduced me again and I already knew who Kian was. The other 2 said their names were Connor and Trevor. I talked with them for a little bit and they were all cool guys. I could see us all being friends.

After a while of just talking and hanging out I said I had to go home. I made some dinner for my brother and I and waited for him to get home. It was just us tonight because my parents are barely ever home. He got home and we ate. I took a shower and then watched sam and I's video.

It was really funny and when it finished I noticed he cut out when he asked if I liked him and us kissing. I was kind of relieved. I guess hes kind of famous so I would get alot of hate if his fans saw that. I put my laptop away and went to bed thinking about Sam.

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