Chapter 5

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Ryans POV
I must have fallen asleep because I woke up while the movie was ending. I was sleeping on sams shoulder. "Oh uh sorry." I said getting up. "Its fine." he said laughing.

It was 2AM. "Oh shit! I have to get home!My brother usually stays homealone but not this late!" I said quickly getting up. "Aren't your parents home?" he asked also standing up. "I doubt it they are almost never home." I said putting my shoes on.

We walked down stairs an he insisted on walking me home. We got to my front door and I turned around to face him. "Bye." he said pulling me into a hug. "Bye." I replied and unlocked the door.

I walked inside and saw my brother passed out on the couch surrounded by chips and popcorn. I laughed at the site and walked over. I shook him lightly and he woke up. "Hey sorry i'm late but you should get to bed." I said. "Where were you?" he said rubbing his eyes. "I was nextdoor watching a movie and I fell asleep." I replied. He stood up and went upstairs. I picked up all of the trash and food and turned the tv off. I walked upstairs to his room and saw him already sleeping in his bed. I shut the door and went to my room. I got my pjs on and got into bed.

The next morning I woke up and got in the shower. When I got out I went downstairs to get some breakfast. When I got downstairs I saw my mom making eggs. "hey." I said surprised to see her. "Hey your father and I are going out we will be gone for about a couple weeks. Heres some money for food and also some for school supplies." she said handing me money. I remembered school starts in a couple of days. I nodded and ate my eggs. After Justin and I ate we said goodbye and our parents left.

"Justin go get dressed we have to go to the store." I said. He nodded and ran upstairs to get dressed. I was already dressed so I sat on my phone while we waited. I got up and grabbed his list of supplies the school sent us and put on some shoes.

When he was ready he came downstairs and we got in my car my parents got me. They got it for me since they are never home so I need a car to go to the store and stuff. We drove to Target singing the whole ride.

When we got there I parked and we walked inside. I grabbed a cart and made our way to the school supplies. I took out his list and read it over. "Pencils, Pens, and colored pencils." I said. He grabbed all 3 things and threw them in the cart. We got everything else on his list and I got a couple things for myself that I would need. Next we went towards the food section to buy some food for while our parents are gone. "Justin what kind of cereal do you want?" I asked. "FRUTI PEBBLES!" he shouted. I laughed and grabbed a box along with a couple other kinds and put it in the cart. We got some milk, water bottles, stuff to makes sandwhiches, some snacks, pasta, and some other random foods. When we were finally done we paid for everything and drove home.

Justin helped me carry the bags in and I put all the food away while he packed up his backpack. When we were done Justin went to his room to play xbox and I decided to finally start a youtube channel. I set up my camera and tripod and sat on my bed. "Hey guys! So this is just a simple intro video to my channel! My name is Ryan and you might have seen me in a video with Sam Pottorff on the O2L channel! I will link it below for those of you who havent seen it yet." I continued talking and eventually turned the camera off.

I was setting up my channel when Sam texted me.

S= Sam R=Ryan

S: Hey whats up

R: Just making a youtube channel

S: really? Thats awsome! Whats it called?

R: I havent thought of a name yet. *Link to channel*

S: Ok I subscribed! When will your first video be up?

R: Probably tonight I just made it but I have to edit it.

S: Nice. So anyways my brother is coming over tommorow. You and Justin can come over if you want?

R: okay yeah we will thanks. I want him to make some friends here.

S: okay well i gtg see you tommorow bye

R: kk byee

I walked into my brothers room and saw him still playing xbox. "Hey what do you want for lunch?" I asked. "Uhm Mac and cheese?" he asked. "Okay." I said and walked downstairs. I started boiling some water and went on my phone while I waited. When it started boiling I added the pasta and finished making it. "JUSTIN ITS READY!" I screamed up the stairs. He came running down and we started to eat.

When we finished I cleaned up and started editing my youtube video. When I was finally done I posted it and I was already gaining subscribers.

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