Chapter 4

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Ryans POV

I woke up and was in the mood to go to the beach. I showered, got dressed, and did my hair and makeup. I texted Jack to see if he wanted to go but he was busy. I wanted to ask Sam but I didn't want to seem to clingy since we have been together everyday this week.

I paced around my room wondering if I should ask or not. I was about to text him when I got a text from him. "Do you want to hangout?" it said. I smiled and replied saying "ya! Want to go to the beach?" He replied yes and told me he would be over in 10 minutes. I kept looking in the mirror making sure I looked okay untill I heard the door bell ring.

I opened the door and saw Sam. We said hey and I grabbed my pennyboard. The beach wasn't too far so we were going to pennyboard there. We started skating and talked about youtube.

"So why dont you start a channel?" he asked. "I dont know. I have been thinking about it." I replied skating past him. He laughed and caught up. "You should! We can do collabs and stuff." he said smiling at me. I nodded and continued riding untill we got there.

We put all of our stuff down and I layed out a towel. Sam took his shirt off and I couldn't help but to stare. I quickly looked away when I saw him look at me. I took off my shirt and shorts and saw Sam staring in the corner of my eye. I walked towards him and waved my hand in front of his face. "Hello? Earth to sam!" I said laughing. "What oh sorry.. You just look amazing." he said blushing. "Haha you dont look so bad yourself." I said winking.

We walked towards the water and I dipped my foot in. "Aw hell no thats freezing!" I said stepping back. "Oh come on." Sam said laughing. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in with him. "Sam! It's too cold!" I said pushing him off. "It is not that cold!" he said laughing. He splashed me with water and I turned to walk out of the water. He grabbed me around my waist and pulled me into a hug. "Are you still cold?" he asked hugging me tighter. "no." I replied smiling.

Sams POV
After we stayed in the water for a while we got out and dried off. We layed out for a while talking. I learned alot of new things about her like she plays softball and gymnastics. "Show me something." I said. "What do you want to see?" she asked standing up. "Uhm watever you want." I said. She walked away from the towels and did a couple cart-wheels just too loosen up. Then she did a roundoff back-handspring. "Nice!" I said clapping. "Haha thanks." she said laughing.

We got all of our stuff together and skated back. "Do you want to come over and watch a movie?" I asked. "Yeah sure! But I want to run home and shower first." she said smiling. "Okay see you later." I said. She smiled and walked into her house.

I went inside and Ricky ran up to me. "Sam where were you all day?" he asked. "I went to the beach with Ryan." I replied. "The new girl nextdoor?" Ricky asked. "Yeah."I replied putting my pennyboard down. "well you guys are spending alot of time together." he said smirking. "Yup." I said blushing. "Oooh do you guys have a thing going?!" he asked. "uh I need to go take a shower she is coming over soon!" I said running up the stairs to my room. "Way to get out of my question." Ricky said laughing.

I got up in my room and hopped in the shower. I got out and got dressed. I just put on some comfortable clothes since we are just watching a movie. I fixed up my hair and sprayed on some Phoneix Axe since it is Ryans favorite. When I was done the doorbell rang and I went and opened it.

"hey!" she said walking in. She said hey to the guys and we went up to my room. "So what movie are we watching?" she asked. "I was thinking 21 Jump street?" I said. "YES I LOVE THAT MOVIE!" she screamed clearly excited. "Really? I love that movie too!" I said laughing. I put it on and we sat on my bed and watched. Within the first 5 minutes Ryan was already laughing like crazy. "you smell good." she said when she was able to breathe again. "Thanks." I said smiling since she noticed.

We kept watching the movie laughing every few minutes and then I put my arm around her. She moved closer and we kept watching the movie. I looked over and noticed she had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

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